27: The Rescue - Part 2

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I must have fell asleep at some point, either that or the blood rushing to my head had caused me to loose consciousness. I welcomed the brief intermission from this cruel reality I found myself in, but when my eyes flickered open, the sense of terror and panic instantly returned as I realized once again that my life was held in the hands of the psychopath, Simon.

The room was dark now, and I could barely see my hands in front of my face as I looked around.

Sometime whilst I had been out, he must have cut the rope that was suspending me from the ceiling. The rotting, wooden floor was encrusted with a small, dried pool of my blood, which I found myself laying in as I hauled myself to my feet.

The fact that I had seemingly been released, and that the room was currently empty, gave me a sickening feeling that Simon was outside planning to finish me off once and for all.

Suddenly, however, the sound of gunfire and shouting from down the hallway caught my attention. The shots were loud enough to echo around the room, telling me that the firefight was occurring inside this very building.

I walked over to the door, but tugging on the handle proved futile; it was locked from the other side.

"God damn it!" Simon's unmistakable voice echoed loudly from somewhere outside the room, "I told you two to take care of it!"

The voice became louder, indicating that he was nearing the room, but in my dazed state it took me a few seconds to realize that Simon was just moments away from unlocking the door and walking inside. I comprehended the situation just a moment too late; Simon had unlocked the door and at that moment he swung it open aggressively whilst I still stood on closely on the other side.

The force knocked me back, where I stumbled and fell to the ground once again.

Simon strode menacingly into the room, switching on the light and noticing me almost instantly with a growl of frustration.

"You know what Carl?" he sneered, not surprised that I was awake and causing trouble, "I've had enough of this. I thought it'd be fun to keep you alive, but I've got bigger problems right now."

"What was going on out there?" I asked in a rasp voice.

"That's none of your concern," he retorted.

"If you're gonna kill me, you may as well just tell me," I reasoned, and he paused, in thought for a moment.

"Fair enough," he sighed, "I'll tell you, since its the last hopeful thing you're ever gonna hear. Your two bitches, Michonne and Carol; they've escaped."

Oh thank God...

I breathed in relief at this revelation, thankful that my companions were saved from a cruel fate that they did not deserve.

Simon noticed this too, and to him, my expression of relief was like rubbing salt into an already frustratingly painful wound.

"If you think they're gonna rescue you Carl, you're wrong," he smirked in retaliation, "they don't even know you're here. I never told them about you being in the same building. Carol and Michonne just took what they could and ran, but I'm gonna make sure that you don't get that luxury."

Then, he picked up the wrench that he'd used earlier, and walked towards me.

I could see the menace in his eyes. It was obvious now that he wasn't just trying to intimidate me this time.

He was going to kill me...



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