Bella and Lana: First vs. Third person

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You can learn more about BellaJohnson and Lana_sky on their respective profiles. 

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Lana: Today we're going to talk all about First person vs. Third person. Is either POV better or do they both have their merits? To start us off, I'll throw out a disclaimer that I actually write in both POVS (and I prefer third person, shhhh) but for the sake of a good argument, I'll take up for First person.

Bella: Hi, I'm Bella Johnson, author of many werewolves, the paranormal and some humans. I too write in both, but I'm a total third person band-wagon riot organizer. There is however a lot of pros/cons to both POVs, so I'm excited to talk about them! --or argue to the death with Lana about them.

Lana: So to start us off! First is the best because it says so in the title. (duh) But, I also believe that first person best allows you to put yourself in the character's head--for better or for worse. This can help the author explore fun concepts like unreliable narrators or trauma in a much more intimate way.

Third is a bit more detached.

Bella: First is more personal and intimate but you also need to be careful you're not too over the top with it. I find it's easy to clutter up first person and actually make a character less likeable than what you are intending, so you need to be careful with it. Third is more detached for sure, but it's almost more of an art form because of that reasoning.

Lana: All valid points! But, while third can be a bit more creative in the narrative aspect, First person can be way more subversive. You can't get attached to a crazy character the way you do while inside their head. Name one book that does third person well (other than you own, cough) I DARE you.

Bella: UH... Buffy the Vampire Slayer books. duh. I think the problem is First Person is like the cool thing to do, so everyone does it and thus, the market is flooded with first person and less about the creative genius stuff in third. On a serious note - Jane Austen books are third and they rock.

That's probably arguable but no one pop my bubble!

Lana: So, because third person is my favorite, I obviously have TONS of favorite novels that do it well. For starters, anything by Larissa Ione and Kresley Cole is a must. And, J.K Rowling is an obvious choice. I love how third person offers such a unique opportunity for in-depth world building that you just can't find in first--though First certainly doesn't skimp on the atmosphere. I never get quite the same tingly tingles that I do reading a good, atmospheric novel that I do in First person. One of my favorites is A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray. As you mention Bellalicious, a poorly written first person narrative can make for a cluttered, cluster-fuck of a MC--but when it's done WELL? Meet your new BFF who's adventures you will never forget.

Gah, I have so many favorites in both styles. I'm such a poor mascot for team First person.

Bella: Totally! First you need to be so careful with, and third you need to be a genius. So, have at 'er!! wink emoticon

Bella: PET PEEVE tho, if you're gonna write in third, please stay with one character! if you need to go between two, please do chapter breaks, there's nothing more annoying than reading "She loved him. He thought she was beautiful." - DONT DO THIS. please. thank you.

Lana: HAHA! A genius. I will say that it's MUCH harder for me to write in first person rather than third--go figure. In first person it's all about thinking and feelings, while third person gives you the chance to show a character from the outside while revealing hints of their inner thoughts for context. It's easier to show a bitchy, self-centered but loveable person in third person than it is to do the same in first.

Bella: Very hard to get people to like a bitch in first person... my character Amy Black is known for her cold, bitchy attitude, who I write in first -- who has way more fans than she should. I wonder - cause people do complain about her - maybe it just doesn't matter, maybe first is so popular you can override any character BS because of it...

Lana: Or maybe you're just a talented biotch who can pull off the impossible when it comes to first person?

Lana: I will say that first person is better than third at conveying a really...hard to love character. For instance, Dante, one of the MCs in my novel Crescendo would be very very difficult to write in third person. I admit it. Without him seeming like (more of) a psychopath at least

He's a killer, a bit violent and a tad unstable. To understand him fully, you have to get in his head

Bella: Dante too breaks the norm and it helps incredibly to get to know him, maybe that's why these characters stand out. So I guess, if you wanna write FIRST, write something different than Bella-Swan-First-Person.... *cough*Ididn'tjustsaythat*cough*

Lana: I won't protect you from the horde of fans who come after you. Though, I will admit...Twilight was one of the first books that really make me open my eyes to the immersive potential of First person. Seeing through the eyes of someone else who thinks and feels differently than you can be both annoying and enthralling

(and of course I'll protect ya)

Bella: That's fine, I have an army of werewolves to protect me, Lana, duh... And you mean, Twilight was the first book to make you realize how much money you could make off vampire stories *ZING*

Lana: HAHA. BITE ME. (see my vampire humor?) But seriously, Bella was like this girl who seemed so much like me (yes I am a narcasist whom everyone loves and adores. What can I say? It's a gift) and I remember being sooo sucked into the narrative.

Lana: But, to summarize. I think we proved that both have merits and deep down, you love writing in first person. <3

Bella: I have no comment. Everyone who meets me asks "oh, Bella, like twilight, right?" This character ruined my life..... ha ha ha ugh.

Bella: I think Twilight made first person popular. That's what I think, and yes, because Bella is so personal. Man, any new student walking into Bio or whatever could meet their next Edward, could happen to ANY ONE OF YOU.


Lana: You're killing me, Smalls.

Lana: I mean Isabella.

Lana: You can't slap me cuz you love me.

And now time for shameless promotion. I dare you to promote one of your books in ten words or less IN THE FIRST PERSON. GO!

Bella: If you want to a read a character in First that might want to make you bash you're head against a wall, I challenge you to my human novellas "Snow Kissed" and it's sequel "Little Kisses". Now I am off, to write third.

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