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question: what will happened to a bread that being put in the locker after three days?

rapmon: there's gonna be fungus monster everywhere.

yongguk: *cursing on the paper telling how stupid to keep that bread inside the locker * dat bread need justice!!!!

zelo: wait what? bread?...
hmm can i answer this after 3 days?
*asking the paper again*

jhope: a bread that full of hope.

suga: why should i answer this question? it got no swag

jimin: i hope the bread have some jam on it...

jin: it safe coz i take it out before 3 days... geez.. my food was for eat! not some stupid experiments!

youngjae:*brain answer * it'll grow some fungus but to be honest,
daehyun will eat that bread when no one notice it before the experiments start...so the answer is, THE BREAD IS GONE.

daehyun: what happen to that bread?
being digest inside my stomach.

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