Chapter 12

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We were spending most of our spare time together, just chilling, watching his show, watching my videos. We both liked to know, to learn more  about each other job.
But I wanted to keep my relationship with Aidan hidden for now.
I never posted a picture with him, or showed him in my vlogs, even tho he was with me. Just because it was all new and I was not ready to tell my viewers. Just in case, something would happened between us and we had to broke up. They would probably support me but they could also send mean things to Aidan. And I wouldn't him to get hate because of me.

It felt very nice to turn on my camera again and film. I decided to film an update about my life without talking about Aidan. So I talked about being homesick and wanted to go back to Paris, about the fact that I felt extremely alone in Bristol. And all those little things that was bothering me in my life.

I then filmed a few more videos. As I was cleaning the mess that I did. I received an email on my professional mailbox.

It was from a network. I always refused to sign with any networks because I didn't want to be trapped un a contract. And not a single networks until now offered me a fair deal.
This network were called "Style Haul". I heard a lot of things about them and not in a bad way. But I needed to think about it. And ask around me about this network.
I know an other Youtuber who was part of this network. So I decided to reach for her and ask her advice.
Because is true that a network would allowed me to do more stuff related to YouTube and be part of Youtubers events. But now that I have a important notoriety, a lot of people kept reaching to me and obviously you can trust everybody in this business.

So I contacted Zoe aka Zoella. I send her an email, because I wasn't sure she would answer me on Social media and I didn't want people to know about my business.  I waited for an answer.

I started to make dinner for me and Aidan since he will be probably very tired.

I prepared rice curry with fried chicken for him and fried tofu for me since I was vegetarian.

Around 8 p.m, Aidan knocked at my door. We spent again the whole night together.
The next morning we got woken up by someone knocking intensively on the door. I could hear  Lenora voices, screaming  Aidan' names.
We both got up, panicked and scared that something very bad happened.

We opened the door, and Lenora was crying, mumbling something that we couldn't understand.
Aidan hold her by the shoulders, trying to calm her down.
She finally said "I just got a call from my brother, but then it cut, he was driving, and he don't answer my calls, and I'm scared that he might Omg !"
She started to cry again! Completely panicked!
Aidan followed her in their apartment, trying to help her. I watched her walking away in the arm of my boyfriend and even though what was happening was terrible and couldn't help it but I felt angry.

I haven't heard of Aidan or Lenora all day.
I texted Aidan but wasn't answering.

I took the keys of his apartment he gave me and decided to see what was happening.

I enter the apartment and no one was in the living room.
It was very quite.
I walked to the bedroom, the door was half opened.
They were both in the bed, Lenora's head on top of Aidan's chest, which was topless.
Excuse me!?

Adain heard the sound of my footstep and immediately got out of the bed. I was already leaving, furious.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me against him. But I stepped back.

He tried to justify himself.
"Nothing happened ! I was going to bed and she came in! Babe I swear, please don't be mad."

I was probably exaggerated and nothing happened like he said but I couldn't help. I know that Lenora was jealous from the beginning of my relationship with him.
And then I feel like it's not worth fighting over that kind of things. I don't wanna ruin what we have and I trust him. I just need to be more careful with her though.He would never hurt me.

Since I was trying to contain my anger and not spill all my venom on him and I just say " we'll talk about it later" and walked out the door.

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