Chapter 1

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"I can't believe you've never been on a plane before," Harry chuckled as we were checking into our hotel. Paul was at the front desk while the lads, Brooke, Keke, and I all sat in the lobby. 

"I'm sorry, but I don't go a lot of places," I said with a shrug. Harry just chuckled and looked away. Louis was quiet and he kept his head down.

I frowned looking at him. He's been quiet ever since we landed in America. "Alright, let's go," Paul said walking back over to us. We all stood up and went to follow Paul to the elevators until we heard a shrill scream.

We turned around. There were a group of girls who were trying not to giggle and scream and squeal at the same time. "You're One Direction!" one girl said.

The boys smiled and walked over to sign autographs and take pictures. Paul started to walk over to break it up, but Keke stopped him. "Aw come on, let them visit some fans," she said. 

Paul looked at her then sighed and backed away.

"Thank you so much!" one girl said to the lads. They all smiled and said good bye before walking back over to us. "You guys are so nice to your fans," Brooke said. "Yeah we care," Liam said. 

I smiled and then we walked towards the elevators before we climbed into and started going up. Louis was still silent and I wondered why. Hopefully he wasn't going mute like me. Especially in public was I quiet.

The only time I actually was my real self was around the boys, Keke, and now Brooke. I glanced at Brooke and Niall.

They would both steal glances at each other and whenever they both looked at the same time they'd turn away and blush. I sighed. Keke and I were totally getting them together.

When we finally reached our hotel room we realized we were going to be split. There were two suites. "Ok the girls go in that suite and the lads go in the other," Paul said.

We groaned, but listened. Brooke, Keke, and I walked into suite and stared in awe. It was amazing.

                                                               (This is our suite)

"Wow, this is so nice," Keke said in awe. Brooke and I nodded in agreement. We set down our luggage and sat down. "Should we go see the boys now?" Brooke asked.

Keke and I grinned. "Why? You want to see one of them really badly?" I teased. Brooke blushed and looked down. "No," she said. "Oh please, you're crazy about Niall," Keke said.

"I am not!" Brooke protested. "Brooke, please, I saw you stealing glances at him," I said. "Well even if I do like him, he's not going to like me back," she muttered. 

Keke's jaw dropped. "He couldn't take his eyes off of you!" she said. Brooke smiled at the floor. "Was he really?" she said softly. Keke and I nodded.

Brooke's smile faded. "Well it doesn't matter, he'll never go out with me," she said before standing up and walking across the room. Keke and I groaned. "Get this in your head girl! Niall. Likes. You," Keke said shaking Brooke's shoulders. Brooke and I chuckled.

"Well I don't know!" Brooke said flopping onto one of the beds. "Let's go see the boys now, maybe they've calmed down and we'll show you that Niall likes you," I said. Brooke sighed, but nodded.

We walked right into the boys' hotel room since there was a door connecting them. "Wow," Brooke muttered. Their room was really nice too. 

"Oh hey guys," Zayn said while going through his bag. "Hi," I said. We walked in. It was pretty hectic. Harry and Niall were fighting over who got which bed and Liam was trying to break them apart.

Louis was sitting in the corner looking at his phone, but occasionally he'd look up and smile at me before looking back down. I sighed and walked over to him.

"Why are you sad?" I asked. Louis looked up surprised. "I'm not," he said. I gave him a look. "Don't lie to me Tomlinson," I said. Louis sighed. "It's nothing you need to worry about," he said. "That's what you said last time," I muttered. 

He sighed and shocked me by kissing me. "I'm fine love, really," he said. I sighed and rested my head on my shoulder. 

He was totally lying.

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