Voices in my Head

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     After you've been let down over and over again, you'd think you'd be used to it. Used to the pain and the solitude. Used to feeling alone and trapped inside your own mind. It's as if you're trapped in a cage where every aspect is made up of your worst thoughts and fears. And worst of all, it's a cage you know you can never escape. It's a prison from which you'll never be freed.

     My mind, my cage, my prison. It's my own personal hell. It's a place where all my demons lye. A place where their endless screeching meets my ears. It's something no one else hears and one else understands. It's a constant companion I can never get rid of.

The constant squirming of my head, it's something I've never been able to get used to. I don't think I ever will, just like I haven't gotten used to everything else. Every failure, every let down. At this point I've learned not to expect anything from anyone. Because no matter how much I think otherwise, they've always let me down.

No matter where I go, no matter what I do, the voices will never stop. And I'll always live in fear that one day they'll eat me up. That they'll consume my thoughts and being. That they'll corrupt me inside and out. The worst part is there'll be nothing I can do to stop it.

I can feel it, it's taking control. Now all I hear is that voice in my head, the voice telling me I'm worthless, that I'll never be perfect, that I will never matter to anyone or anything in this world, I believe it. So I guess it won't be long until it completely dictates my life.

No place is safe, Everywhere I go the voices follow. And that's my ultimate fear. That's the ghost that haunts my ever waking minute. That is where it'll end. My mind will be the end of me, I know it. Those voices in my head, they've changed me, and soon they'll consume me.

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