It's like everyone around me gets happy or is happy but me.
No one seems to notice, and if someone does, they will tell me I need to get over it and I'm gonna be fine. But I'm afraid it won't.
I'm sick of people messing around.
I'm sick of people who treat me like I'm some piece of shit.
I'm sick of boys playing around!
And mostly I'm done with hearing it'll be okay.
I know it'll get better for Gods sake!
But the question is mother fucking WHEN?
'Cause I'm feeling like this all my life!
I'm done with playing that poor sad girl
every time, over and over again.
From now on it' s: 'Fuck everyone who fucks with me.'
And don't you dare!.. Don't you dare call me a bitch nor judge me for it.
'Cause that's what you people make of me.- M