Chapter 1

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It was the summer before senior year and I had been sitting by my window for the past week waiting for my scholarship letters. It had been a while before when some scouts came to my championship game for softball, and they all said the same thing. They would let me know within a week. It had been almost a month. It had been my life long dream to go to college at the University of Alabama. I have worked for it since eighth grade. I had perfect grades, I don't drink and party like the other girls my age, and I poured my heart and soul into the one thing that makes me happy. Softball.
"McKayla!" Mom yelled from the kitchen.
"Ugh." I hated it when someone disrupted me while I was doing something.
"What Mom?" I asked annoyingly.
That's when I stopped dead in my tracks. Mom was holding a letter with the University of Alabama written on the top corner. I felt as if my heart were about to melt. Mom set it on the counter, and slowing pushed the unscathed envelope towards me. I just stare, too afraid of what lies within.
Slowly, but surely, I pick up the envelope and open it.
" Read it out loud." Mom said.
I pulled the letter out and skim over the neatly typed words.
"Dear Ms. McKayla Bradley," I read, " We are pleased to inform you that we will be offering you a full ride scholarship to play for our softball team at the University of Alabama this following semester." And that's all it took. I dropped the envelope. And stare straight ahead like a deer in headlights. Mom on the other hand was completely different. She was in tears already on the phone with my father. I don't even know how to react. I have been waiting for this moment my whole life, and all my hard work has finally paid off.
Mom walked over to me and engulfs me in her arms.
"Word can't even describe how proud I am of you Sweetheart. I love you so much." She said.
Then it came. I broke down into tears and hugged her back.
"Now go." She said, "Go called your friends and go out tonight. You deserve it." Mom managed to say.
"Thanks Momma. I love you too."

Later that night, after I called my friends, I took a shower and changed. I was going to Kyler Brinkley's house party tonight. So, just to make everything clear. I have had a ginormous crush on Kyler since seventh grade. And he always invited me to his parties but I could never go. So, tonight might be the night I tell him how I feel. Then my phone started ringing.
"Hey Lily. What's up?" I said as I answered the phone.
"Hey Kayla. I was just wondering if you were wanting us to pick you up? We could just carpool to the party." She said.
"Yeah, sure. What time?"
"9:00. Is that good?" She asked.
" 9:00 is perfect. See you then."
I grab my clutch and go downstairs to say goodbye to my parents. As I step down from the stairs, I see my mom and dad standing in front of the front door.
"Hey guys. Um, what exactly are you doing?" I asked.
"Oh, you know. A little bit of this, little bit of that." Dad responds. Then he hold up a set of keys.
"What is that?" I ask.
"Well. Your mother and I just figured that since you are going to be starting a new life, then you need a new car too."
I walk over to them and Dad plops the keys into my hand. I open the door, and there she is. A 1967 Chevy Impala. Jet black with chrome rims. Beautiful.
I turn around and hug both my parents tightly.
"We thought you could take this when you go out with Lily tonight. You know, show off your new car." Mom said.
I couldn't say a word. I was in shock my the excitement the day has brought me so far. First, I got accepted into my dream school. Then, I get to go to a party thrown by the hottest guy in school. And now. I got a new car. Absolutely nothing can go wrong today.
Beep, beep! Lily honked her horn for me.
"Let's go Kay! We're gonna be late!" She yelled.
"Wait a minute!" I yell, "There's been a change in plans!"
Lily gets out of the car and starts toward me.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"I just got a new car! And I figured that we could take my car to the party tonight? If that's ok with you of course." I say.
"Are you kidding?!" Yelled Lily excitedly, "Of course we can take your car! You have no idea how long I've waited for you to finally get one!"
"Well then. We'd better get going."
Lily and I start toward my car and get in. The whole ride to the party, we laugh, sing, Lily goes on and on about her new boyfriend Nick.
"You know what K?" Lily asked.
"Oh gosh. What now?" I responded.
"So, we are seniors and you are gonna be leaving for college soon and you've never had a boyfriend. You've never even acknowledged anyone except for Kyler! You need to put yourself out there. Take risks and make mistakes."
"Whoa. Since when did you become so wise?" I laughed.
"I'm not kidding McKayla! If you don't talk to Kyler or any guy tonight, I'll get one for you." She said.
"Okay, okay," I say, "I'll try and do something. Now shut up and stop acting like my mom. We're here."
I pull into the drive way and am completely taken back by how big Kyler's house is. And there is at least a hundred people here already.
"Okay. How do I look?" I ask as I turn to Lily.
"You look amazing. Now, get out there and get some!" She yelled.
We both get out of the car laughing and we make our way to the back entrance. The place is already flooded with people. All from the luckier sophomores to college kids. I look around trying to find Kyler but he's nowhere to be seen. I start to make my way to the drink table when someone knocks into me.
"Hey! Watch it!" I yelled.
"Oh gosh. I'm sorry. I didn't see ya." The boy said.
I looked up about to yell at him again when I realize who it was. Kyler. With his big, brown eyes, chiseled jaw, and 6'2" ball of muscle.
"Oh my gosh. Kyler, I'm so sorry!" I said.
"Kayla? Oh, hey! I'm glad you could finally make it!" He said.
"Yea, Lily got me to come. It's kinda a celebration for me." I said.
"Celebration? For what?"
"I got accepted into the University of Alabama. Full ride." I said.
"Oh my gosh! Kayla that's amazing!" He said giving me a hug.
I feel a rush of warmth spread over me. I feel his muscles tense as I wrap my arms around his shoulders. Awkwardly, we back away.
"So, are you doing anything tomorrow?" Kyler said me.
I can feel my face getting red. "Nothing as far as I know." I say trying to sound cool.
"We'll do you maybe wanna,um, go out. I mean you don't have to or any--"
"No. I would love to. Pick me up at 6?"
"Oh, yea totally!" He said excitedly.
"So what exactly will we be doing tomorrow?" I asked.
"Well, that there's a surprise ." He said a little cheeky.
"Well I do love surprises," I said, "can you at least tell me how I should dress? Comfy, fancy?"
"Well, you might wanna dress pretty nice. But bring an extra set of clothes that you don't mind getting dirty."
We both just stand there staring at each other, grinning like kids in a candy store.
"Kayla!" Yelled Lily, "I see my pep talk worked!?"
She looks over at Kyler and my face instantly turns cherry red.
"Pep talk?" Kyler asks.
"Yea well, um, it's not-"
"Kayla here has liked you since,like, forever.. But she's never had the balls to tell you so I had to give her a speech. And now, here she is with you. Actually talking!" I was so embarrassed. I just wanted to crawl in a hole and never ever come out. Kyler just looked at me and grinned.
"Well, I see that I intruded on something. So I'm just gonna go drink some more." Lily said. She turned toward me and whispered in my ear.
"Do you want me to call your parents and tell them you won't be home tonight?"
I shoved her away laughing and turn to Kyler.
"I'm so sorry. I can explain everything." I said.
"No, no. Don't apologize. I think it's kinda cute. Oh and, I think Lily had a little too much to drink." Said Kyler.
We both laugh together like it was the most normal thing for us.
"So, do you wanna go sit down and talk? Maybe somewhere a little more private?" He asked.
"Oh. Um, yea. Sure, why not."
Then he intertwines his fingers with mine and he leads me into the house. We walk up two flights of stairs in complete silence. I tried counting all the people making out in corners, people puking in plant pots, and people smoking pot. But I eventually lost count.
We finally made it to what looks like his room. Considering the number 21 was on the door. He opens the door and leads me into the room. We sit on his bed. We just sit there and talk about nothing and everything. It just seems to come so naturally. I don't know why, but I feel as if I could just sit here and open up to him.
"So is it true?" He asks all of a sudden.
"Is what true?"
"You know. What Lily said? About you always liking me?" He sits up to where we are face to face.
"Oh. Well, I mean, yea. I guess I have always liked you. I just always thought you were too good for me." I said shyly.
"Why would you think that? I always thought you were too good for me. I mean, your so smart, and beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to have you."
I couldn't breathe. I felt as if all my worries and doubts over the years have just been lifted off of me. I sit there, starring into his eyes and he starring back. He begins to lean his head down toward me. I could feel his warm breath on my lips. The speeding beat of his heart against mine, until finally, our lips met. A shock spread through my body like I had been stuck by lightening. His lips were so soft, yet rough. His arms made their way up my leg, to my waist, then around my neck. I tried to sit up, but gave up when he swung his legs over me. The kiss began to deepen and become more intense, until we both were breathing very heavily. We rolled over to where I was straddling him. He began to slide his hands under my shirt and I started working away the buttons on his shirt. His hands were shaking and he hesitated when he got to my bra. He leaned back and looked at me, as if asking for permission. I just nodded. He lifted my shirt over my head and I slid his shirt off his shoulders. And it all started again. He began working his way down. Kissing the corner of my mouth, my jaw, my neck, my collar bone, my shoulder.
Then there was a banging on the door. And we both sprang for our clothes, trying to reach them before someone came through the door. And I felt a murderous feeling when I realized who it was. Lily. After all this time of her telling me I needed this, and now she interrupts it.
"Lily! What the hell! What are you doing?!" I yelled.
"McKayla. It's your parents. Something happened we need to get to the hospital now!" That's when I realized that her eyes were red and swollen.
I try and hurry to put my shirt back on and fix my hair at least a little bit. Kyler gives me one last kiss and a look of longing and sorrow and I'm on my way.
"What were you talking about? Why are my parents in the hospital?" I asked. We were running down the stairs and sprinting through what used to be the party. Most people had left. And the people that were still here were looking at me and whispering.
"Lily! Answer me now!" I yelled, yanking my arms out of her hand.
"Kayla," Lily said,"Your parents are dead."

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