Chapter 3

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I'm looking up at the guy pinning me to the floor. Still holding a knife to my throat.
"I could ask you the same thing!" He said. The strictness in his voice.
"What are you talking about? This is my house! And you're in my room!" I yelled back.
He quickly got off of me and pulled down his hood. He has dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I couldn't help but stare at him. I could see his chest expanding up and down as he breathes heavily.
"You're that Bradley chic?" He asked pointing his knife toward me.
"Excuse you? 'That Bradley chic'? What is that supposed to mean?!"
"You're grandfather is George Bradley. Oh my gosh. We thought you were dead! This is amazing!" He smiled and my heart skipped a beat. Why am I feeling like this? I'm practically with Kyler and now this guy breaks into my house and almost kills me, and I have butterflies in my stomach! What is this world coming to?
"Um. I don't know. I just found out last night that I had any other family. Why do you care anyway? Just a few minutes ago your were about to kill me!"
He just looked at me. There was something in his eyes but I don't know what. Then he started to walk towards me. His boots heavily stomping on the ground. When he got to me. He just stopped and stared with a huge grin on his face.
"Oh my gosh!" He said, surprised, "I'm so rude. I'm Alec. Alec Hawkshaw. I work for your grandpa." He held his hand out for me. I slowly reach for his hand and shake it. He had a very firm grip but his hands were so soft, and warm.
"Well you obviously already know who I am." I say exasperated, "Now let's get a couple things straight. Why on God's green earth were you in my room?!" It came out a little more harshly than I thought. But Alec didn't seem to notice.
"Your grandpa sent me here to see if you had survived. And to see if there was any trace of the nigh-" he stopped talking suddenly.
"Of what?" I asked.
"Nothing. Never mind." He turned away and walked to my bed, mumbling things to himself.
"So my grandpa sent you here to see if I was alive. The guy isn't around for eighteen years and now he chooses to talk to me." I chuckle a bit at the thought.
"He wanted me to hind you and bring you back to base." Said Alec.
"Base? What is he in the milit--" I'm interrupted by Lily coming into the room. She stands in the doorway looking from me, to Alec.
"Kayla. Who is that?" She asks staring at Alec. Before I answer, Alec is off my bed making his way towards Lily and I. He holds his hand out to Lily.
"Alec Hawkshaw. I work for McKayla's grandfather." He said in a professional tone of voice.
Lily leans over to me and whispers, "Is he single?" I look at her with a 'really?' look. She shrugs her shoulder at me and I just roll my eyes.
"Alec was just explaining to me that he was gonna take me to my grandpa's place till we figure something out." I looked at him quickly and winked. "Weren't you Hawkeye?"
Oh um," he clears his throat, "Yea. It's about a four hour drive, so we had better get going if we wanna make it by dark." He said.
"Yea. So, um, I'v gotta finish packing my stuff and we've gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow. Kay Lil?" I looked at her. I could tell she was trying to process everything Alec and I just said.
"Yea. Yea, sure. Call me tomorrow." And with that she left. After I hear the front door close, I let out a big breathe that I didn't even realize I was holding. Then I notice that Alec and I were only a couple inches away from each other. Our shoulders nearly touching. I could feel his body heat, radiating from him. I step away and begin packing my bags again.
"So, Hawkeye, huh?" I turned to him and he is smirking at me. I feel heat rushing to my face. "Are you blushing Miss Bradley?" I could feel his gaze lingering on me.
"Don't call me 'Miss Bradley'. Unless you want me to punch you in the stomach." I say.
"Ooo. You're a feisty one aren't you? You remind me of my girlfriend." He said.
I choked up. Girlfriend? Great, just great.
"I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop being a smartass and just let me pack my bags in peace." I say. I don't even care if I offend him anymore. He's not gonna sit there and flirt with me then go on and tell me he has a girlfriend. I turn around and look at him. He raises his eyebrows at me and smiles.
"Get out." I say as I point to my door.
He raised his hands above his head and walks out the door.
"I'll be in the truck!" He yelled from down stairs. I hear the door shut and I sit down on my bed, resting my head in my hands.
"What am I doing?" I ask myself out loud. I get back to packing my bags and head downstairs.
When I get outside, I stop dead in my tracks. Alec is leaning up against a huge, black truck, typing something on his phone. He looks up at me and smiles. He began to walk toward me. He just looks at me and picks up my bags. He easily carries them and put them in the back of the truck. I walk over and get in the passenger seat. Alec came around. Got in the truck and started it. Then we slowly began to back out of my drive way. At first we sit in complete silence. Only stealing little glances at each other then he speaks up.
"You know, if you want to admire my gorgeous self all you have to do it ask." He said smiling.
"You're such a Narcosis. It's seriously making me sick." I say.
He laughs and goes back to being quiet.
"So. What does my grandpa want with me?" I ask.
"Well. Considering you're gonna be eighteen here soon, he wants to explain to you what we do. And see if you want to join." He said.
"Join what?"
"I'm gonna let him explain that to you." He said.
"So." I say nervously, "what's you girlfriend's name?" He swerves the truck off the road a little, but quickly catches control again. Then he laughs.
"What's so funny?" I ask getting irritated.
"I don't have a girlfriend!" He says still laughing, "I was just wondering if you would get jealous! You did though! You should have seen the way you reacted!" In that moment. I wanted to break his face. But I couldn't bring myself to do anything, or even speak.
"Whatever." I turn and look out the window, watching the trees pass by. I could feel his glaze lingering on my face. I turn to him.
"Are you bipolar or something?" I ask getting irritated.
"What are you talking about?" He asks.
" I mean, one second you're trying to kill me, then you flirt with me. Then you're all serious and depressed, then you tease and act like you're better than I am! Well, news flash! You're not!" I have finally had enough. I have known this guy for only a matter of hours and now I feel like I wanna strangle him.
"Whoa." He looks at me with something in his eyes that looks like lust.
"What?" I ask.
"Nobody has ever talked to me like that before." A fake tear crosses his cheek.
"Don't flatter yourself, Asswipe." I take my phone out of my pocket and Bluetooth it to the truck's radio. I turn on my favorite playlist and turn it up.
Once the music starts to play, Alec looks at me, impressed.
"You listen to rock?" He asked.
"Why?" I ask not looking at him.
"Oh, don't get me wrong. It's a major turn on that you listen to this stuff." He said, "You just don't seem like the hardcore type."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well I mean, let's face it. You're the most innocent seventeen year old I have ever met. You're a straight A student, full-ride scholarship. You look like you would listen to some sappy, depressing music. Not this." He says gesturing to the radio.
"Well I'm just full of surprises then aren't I?" I say back, "And I'm not as innocent as you may think." I say under my breath.
"What was that?" He asked.
"Okie dokie." He turns the music up more and begins to sing.
"Heaven's sake is forsaken. Didn't create all creation. I've designed my undoing. Because I'm broken, flawed and just human!" I look at him. He's an amazing singer. Like, wow.
"You listen to Hellyeah?" I ask.
"I love them. This is my favorite song."
"Seriously? You don't look like the type to listen to this kinda rock." I say, gesturing to him. He looked over at me.
"Oh really?" He asked, smirking, "Then what's my type like?"
"You look like a wannabe bad boy that tries to hard. You probably don't even go to school because you look about thirty-something, but I'm guessing you did good in school." He looked at me and laughed.
" I look thirty?" He laughed even harder.
"Well, I mean. Yea." I shrug my shoulders, "But i will say that you are gorgeous for a thirty year old." I stop. I did not just say that. He's looking at me blushing.
"Ok. First, I don't need you to tell me I'm gorgeous, I already know that. And second, I'm nineteen."
"Oh." Then it hit me. I made him blush! Ha! "I don't know if I was just hallucinating or something, but, did I see rough and tough Alec blush?" He begins to blush again.
"What can I say. Your turn me on." He said looking at me. I feel heat rushing to my face. I quickly bring my hands up to cover it.
"Shit!" He laughs and all goes quiet again. And before I knew it, I fell asleep.
In my dream. Alec and I were at the beach. We were building sandcastles. We looked happy. We were laughing and enjoying ourselves. Then, these people came out of the water. I got up and looked at Alex with a teasing grin, but his face was hard as stone. I start to skip to the people from the water.
"McKayla!" He yelled. I turned back and looked at him. He looked afraid. Then he began to go through the bag he brought with him and takes out a gun.
"Alec! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Then I feel someone grab my shoulder, followed by a sharp pain. I turn around and the people behind me weren't people at all.
"ALEC?!" I screamed. Pop, pop, pop!

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