Three Years Later...

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Three Years Later . . .

It's been three years. Three years since I've seen any of my family and friends back in New Jersey. Three years without seeing Nathan, without holding his hand, without seeing him in person.

Three years since the promise he made of coming after me.

Occasionally, I'd cry, thinking that he forgot or that he would never come. Or worse, like finding another girl who is so much better than me in many aspects.

I should trust him, right? We were friends since the third grade and he did promise to love me forever. He also writes to me every day.

Like, in a legit letter form.

Call him old-fashioned, but I don't really care. I love everything about him.

Especially when he makes his signature homemade lasagna.

I step out of my apartment and look down to check if the mailman finally sent me my letters.

"Hey," Robert, the mailman-slash-janitor-slash-receptionist-slash-practically-almost-everything, flashed his usual grin, "here. You're letters."

Yup, that guy's always on time.

"Of course they are," Duh.

He arranged the letters in his cart, probably for the 19th time today, and turned back to me, "Still from the boy?"

I looked down at the letters with the letters of his name written neatly at the usual spot, "Yeah . . ."

For some reason, I just couldn't hold back a smile.

Robert chuckled, "Seems like a pretty faithful boy. He's a keeper, Tori."

"I know," I giggled.

Did I just seriously giggle?! I could literally hear my subconcious laugh at me.

He started to walk away, pushing his cart along with him, and waved goodbye to me. Usual day, usual time, usual routine, and every day, I just can't help but feel unusually homesick.

I miss my old life. I miss my life in New Jersey.

Sighing, I went back in the room and shut the door behind me. I couldn't wait to read his letter. I just miss him so much.

I got a pair of scissors from the bedroom, cut the envelope at the side, and slid the paper out. Wait-papers. He sent two papers?

I opened the one with the most words scribbled on it; the other one was probably just an extra . . .

Dear Victoria,

Hey, how are you?

Well, I can't believe it's been three years now. Wow . . . Three years without you. I actually survived this long?

I rolled my eyes at the statement. Of course, he'd survive. Such a drama queen.

I chuckled, remembering all the times he made me laugh by just simply being overly dramatic. Like that one time when he couldn't stop crying over how his mom made him cut his hair until he was semi-bald. He wouldn't stop looking in the mirror!

You're probably thinking I'm being a major drama queen, at the moment. And you're probably reminiscing about either that time with my hair or that time when I lost a picture of the two of us.

Ha! The picture! Nathan kept begging his mom for another one after he accidentally burned the first one. He said "It means so much to meeeee! Please mooooom." Oh, good times.

I don't care if you laugh. I've always loved your laugh-it's music to my ears. And your smile-something that never fails to brighten up my days. And your eyes-how I loved waking up to the sight of those hazel eyes. And those cheeks that I just love pinching. And your lips-should I really describe how I really feel when you kiss me? Well, this may sound girly, but yeah, your kisses make my knees go weak and I would never get tired of them.

You're so beautiful. I miss you so much, Tori. I want to be with you. I love you.

Tears streamed down my face. God, how did I manage to win this guy's heart? He's so . . . amazingly sweet. "I miss you, too," I whispered.

Yeah, you're crying now, aren't you? Hahaha! I know. You always do.


Oh, that guy is so dead.

It's true but . . .

Ugh, nevermind.

Oh, shoot. Please don't kill me. I don't want to die the next time I see you.

Huh, he really does know me.

I don't want to die yet. Specifically next month.

Yup, I'm coming for you. Next month.

Get ready, Tori. You're going to receive a lot of hugs and kisses when I see you again. Wait for me?



PS. Open the other paper. You're going to love it.

My jaw dropped. He was coming? Next month?

I quickly opened the extra paper and read with a huge smile on my face. It was a picture of him. He was holding a dog on one arm and he held up a sign in the other that says, "I was going to keep it. But, I was thinking of you and I guess you're going to need a little more company. I know how lonely you get. Wait for us."

He was going to give me a dog?

Oh gosh. All this . . .

It was definitely worth the wait.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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