First Day

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When life gives you lemons don't make lemonade cause then you'll just be like everyone else, normal so why not make grape juice instead because everything changes Hello, my name is Nadya and I just transferred to Iwatobi High School and this is how me and my friends joined the swim team.

Since it was my first day at Iwatobi high school I didn't really know where to go. So for the first ten minutes I was walking around like a lost puppy looking for my homeroom. Not that I have anything against puppies! Trust me I love animals.... A lot but that's not the point the point is that I got lost in my new school while making a fool out of myself. As I kept walking down the hall people were staring at me. Uhhhh... I hate people

staring at me but it didn't last long cause I bumped into someone causing my books to go everywhere as my long blonde hair and red-ish pink tips fly into my face causing me to fall onto the. 'This is not how the first day would go' I thought. I looked up to see who I had bumped into and couldn't believe it.

He had blonde hair and pink eyes, and he also wore a light yellow vest over his uniform. He meant with my gaze and smiled. I smiled back as heat begins to rise in my cheeks. "Sorry! I wasn't paying attention" he said has he laughed a little as he brings his right arm behind his neck. I laughed slightly and said "It's not your fault I guess I was zoning out" I said as I started to gather up my things. He looked at me the kneeled in front of me helping me gather my things.

"Hey I haven't seen you around before are you new?!" He asked. I nodded as I started to stand up but before I could he held out his hand for me to take it. I smiled as I took his hand as he helped me up the rest of the way. He handed me all my things as I thanked him for helping me.

"So why did you decide to come to Iwatobi?" He asked me as we started to walk down the hall. "Well me and my friends heard that there was a swim club here and we wanted to see if we could join" I said. He looked at me with a shocked expression on his face then it turned into a grin. "Come on I know who to ask!"

He said as he jumped up and down. I laughed at his childish behavior it was cute.... 'Wait I did just say he was cute?!?' Snap out of it Nadya you just met the guy! He then grabbed my had and started to run down the hallway with me dragging me behind screaming "Makoto!"

Hey guys if you would like to be in the story then send me your oc's information along with what school you would like to attend to and who they like so I can put your character in!
See ya,

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