Road Rage

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A: *jumps in car*
J: He-
A: Guess what? Guess what? I got the last copy! I mean I may or may not have nearly had a fight over it, but I got it! I got the last book in the whole store!
J: What? What book it is?
A: This is the last book of the Inheritance Cycle! Duh!
J: Wait what?
A: Oh my GOSH! It’s the best book cycle in existence. Did you know that the author was only 15 when he published the first book? And he already completed high school! It took 13 years from the publication of the first book-Eargon-to now! *holds book up* The release of the 4th and final installment of the most intricately plotted book series ever!
….(awkward pause)
J: Um, so have you seen the new episode of The Walking Dead?
A: Uh yes! I love the part where the thing happens.
J:Yes! That thing!
A: *flips through pages of the book* But you know books are way better than TV. I mean come on, how many different times can a person die by being ripped apart by a walker? The only reason I watch it is because it shows the root of human nature, what would happen if the constructed world were to be thrown to bits and people were left to survive on their own.
J: I think you just ruined it for me.
A: I mean that not to say there isn’t books that dig apart human nature, The 5th Wave and Delirium both do, most well-executed books do. But with books there so many more small details and sub-plot lines that get missed in shows and movies. I had this theory about The Hunger Games being based off the Greek myth Theseus and the Minotaur, and Suzanne Collins confirmed it! I was right!
G: *cuts in front*
J: Son of a butternut squash!
A: Okay, it’s not that bad, we’ll get around her before the next light.
G: *drives faster*
A: See, she’s even speeding up.
G: *slows down*
J: Oh neapolitan
A: ‘Oh neapolitan.’ Oh no, it’s bad if you’re already breaking out the ice cream flavours.
J: You’re a piece of sherbet
A: I am no such thing.
J: Not you, her!…You’re a piece of sherbet! *hanks*
G: *turns up music* This’ll be fun.
J: I’m going to get around her.
A: Oh gosh, please don’t do anything idiotic.
J: *speeds up*
G: *glances back & slows down*
J: Come one! I want that fudge nutter out of my way!
A: Hey! Watch your ice cream flavours!
J: I don’t give a snickerdoodle…Move out of my way! *hanks*
G: So this is how you’re going to play it. *grins wickedly*
A: Hey, Julie-Anne, do you remember that time when we were coming back from that one movie and there was that excruciatingly slow group of pedestrians that wouldn’t let us pass?
J: Come on you dutch chocolate, share the road!
A: anyway so it was really annoying and I remember that we almost fell asleep while they were walking like come on can you walk any slower?
J: seriously this person just needs to move!
G: *Gets a call* Hey no I'm not busy what do you need?
J: Wait, is she on her phone? Isn't that illegal?
A: What phone? Where?
J: There! Right there? That creamsicle is on the  smurfin phone!
A: smurfin isn't even an ice cream flavour.
J: whatever I don't care I'm really mad!
G: Sorry Frances there are these teenagers behind me that are GOING to cause an accident. *pause* Mhm okay we should get our nails done this weekend *talks* yeah Saturday sounds f-.
J: *starts hanking*
G: Sorry I'll have to call you back. *drives faster then puts parking brake on*.
*accident occurs*
J: What the heck just happened?!
*everyone gets out of their cars*
A: What were you trying to do kill us?
G: What do you mean? I'm innocent you hit me 😦
A: You aren't innocent you butternut-neopolitan-sherbert-fudge,nutter-creamsicle-smurfin-vanilla brownie!
*J hides and G moves back flabbergasted*
G: *Gets in her car and drives away*
A: I just want to read my book *calmly gets in car and starts reading*
J: *Gets into car terrified and shaking* llll-lets goo

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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