Chapter 1

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My eyes move lazily, following some sort of figure. It walks throughout the white room.

What are you? I try to say, but nothing is heard. It's bad. The two words ring through my mind, making me dizzy.

My gaze finally focuses on the black figure. It stares back at me, no features visible aside from the crimson eyes.

I freeze. The figure slowly moves forward, stretching it's arms out to me. It touches my arm.

The faded black of the shadow blankets and covers where the thing touched me. The color slowly works its way up my arm, reaching for my face.

As it climbs up my neck I feel heat radiating off of the shadow, burning my skin. It ventures up my face, scaring the skin below. It covers my eyes and-

I jump up, gasping for breath. I blink repeatedly, eyes glancing around the room in search for the black figure.

Feeling someone shake my side I turn, expecting the shadow, but finding Nathan. I panic slightly, think the figure will reach him, before realizing it was a dream.

I slow my breathing, eyes settling on the young boy.

I finally let out one more shaky breath before someone breaks the silence. "Um, what was that?" I turn to see Kylie standing behind me.

"I-I don't know." I answer truthfully, for the dream had never occurred before. "Can you get me a glass of water?" I ask her.

She nods, turning and leaving the room, the door shutting slightly after her.

"Do you," Nathan hesitated, "do you want to tell what happened?" He asked, worry evident on his face.

"Well, I was in a room. A white room. And there was this...figure. It looked human, except for the fact of it was completely black apart from red eyes. And, um, it got closer. It touched my arm and my hand got covered in black. The black started coming to my face and it was burning and it reached my face and my eyes." I pause, taking a breath. "That's when I woke up."

Kylie returned, a glass with her. She handed it to me. I take a large gulp before setting it on a nearby desk.

"You think you can work today, Elis?" Kylie asks, looking at me with worry.

"Yeah, just an odd dream, nothing much." I answer, standing up. She tilts her head, to of which I nod to.

Just a weird dream. Yeah.

"Well, you've gotten a meeting then." Kylie spoke, grabbing my black cloak from the chair I had left it last night.

"Yeah, okay. I'll just get ready and then head.out." I reply, taking the garment from her hands.

I turn around, sending Nathan a reassuring smile and ruffling his wild red hair before getting ready for the meeting.


I walk through the crowded street, black hood up covering my face. I pushed through the townspeople before stopping at an alleyway. I glanced around, making sure no one's gaze is towards me, and silently walk into the alleyway.

The lane was quite, only the soft thump of my feet breaking the silence. I turn at the end of the passageway, seeing the person who had schedule them to meet.

"Hood down." The other states "and then I'll take my hood off as well."

I pull my hood off, reveling my brown hair, stopping just above my eyes, and dark grey eyes. "Now, off to what you called me here for." I say, voice low and raspy.

The other tugs down their hood showing her blond hair, long and flowing, and green eyes. "Elis, is it? You kill Prince Hunt, achieve tickets out of the kingdom." He states bluntly.

"Tickets out of the kingdom? Only high class and the royal family can access them." I say, staring at the other in disbelief.

"Well, I happen to be a friend of the queen, and the prince needs to be killed, so I'm offering the tickets." She replies.

I hesitate, it's a good trade, a great one in fact, if the other actually has the ticket. "Show me the slip."

She reaches under her cloak pulling out a thin piece of paper. It caught the light and glowed slightly. I was only able to examine it for a few seconds before the woman placed it into his pocket.

"So..." The girl trails off, waiting for my decision.

"I accept." I answer quickly, "meet here again once the deed is done. And your name is? For future reference."

"Linda." She answers.

I turn and exit the path engulfing back into the crowded streets.

I feel a slight tingle in the back of my neck, the feeling fading away quickly. I look around for some sort of shop, planning to steal to achieve the feeling.

I spot a crowded fruit stand, walking through the crowd. I pull my hood further up, glancing around and making sure the townspeople's gazes aren't on me.

My arm shoots out, grabbing an apple before retreating back under my cloak. I walk away, the tingle reaching my shoulders.

We must go and tell the others about the job.

Yes, no time for petty thefts.


With that thought I turn, heading back to the house of which the others are in.

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