My Family is Anti-Social

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After this chapter you will be surprised on how I live my life.

#1- I have never been to Starbucks!
It's crazy right? I have told my mom and asked her if she has been to Starbucks and she said " yes but she doesn't like coffee". At that time I though Starbucks just sold coffee and I don't drink coffee. A year later my friend Savannah gave me a Carmel capatino and that made me cray and hyper, but I didn't like it. Her mom told me that they sell like cake or something. I still didn't want to go.

#2- I have been too the movies once in my life!
Rwmwner when I said my dad was cheap, that's why. My mom has barely any money and we are taking 5 people to the movies and we also have to have popcorn duhh. The only movie I have seen was frozen that's when frozen is still popular and cool now it's boring and annoying.

#3- The only restaurants I've been to...
The only restaurants I've been to are Golden Coral (gross), Pandas ( not panda express), Grand Buffet, and Subway; that's pretty much it. I think my parents are Anti-Social or just lazy, cheap, and stupid.

#4- The stores I've been to...
All the stores I've been to are Walmart (for food and supplies), The Thrift Store (for my clothes because my parents are cheap), Kohl's (for clothes), Ross (clothes), Michel's ( for arts and crafts\ school projects).

The only time they actually buy expensive stuff are for school projects. Yes, they are those types of parents. Sometimes it takes a little lies to get what you want in these types of families.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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