His little game.

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So i rewrote the first chapter...tell me if u like it :) i know its still too small but i just did not feel like writing....grrrrrr -_- anyway HAPPY READING :)


My ears were greeted to the noise of my mother, accompanied by her footsteps. On any other normal day, i would say she has a sweet, heart warming voice, but today, she was yelling at the top of her voice. I pulled over my sheets and dug my head into pillow. 'I do not want to get up' i whined to myself.

Her voice, ascended closer and closer until i knew she was standing at the threshold of my room. I groaned wishing she would just go. Right now, i swear world war 3 was about to commemorate.

Me? i wasn't just those early to bed, early to bed kinda people. i was a night person , living the nocturnal way of life, i lived the night life. So getting up early wasnt my cup of tea. Nahhh.

"Tanya get off the bed now, your dad needs you in office in 15. He just called and Mr. Malik is already there and you aren't even there to welcome him. What sort of manners are those little miss?" I rolled my eyes inside the blanket. My mother was one of the most predictable people ever born. You know how they say 'women are unpredictable and blah blah' my mother was everything apart from unpredictable.

Even now that i could not see her, i knew exactly how she would have looked. Her eyebrows would be bent in anger, her nostrils a bit inflated. I chuckled silently to myself, she looked hilarious like that, One of the many reasons me and my dad ended up laughing whenever she went fiery furious. Apart from that, my mother was the most beautiful ever, she has a surprisingly flawless face for her age, i always told her "Mom, I'm sure aunt Natasha and all your other friends are secretly jealous of your beauty"

The blanket had started warming up slightly, getting out of it now would be the perfect horrible start to a surely horrible day.

Right then, in that very horrid second, my lovely blanket was yanked away from me, and i lay there all exposed to the horrifying furry of my mother.

Playing my last card, i pretended to be asleep.

It was a Sunday, who on this face of earth wants to waste her day at her dad's office, meeting some old uncle instead when she could go to the beach and get a tan. Involuntarily a smile spread on my lips, thinking about the warm sun rays on my think frame. I regretted it almost instantly.

I knew My game was over.

I knew i was going.

I knew i had no escape whatsoever.

I am gonna die!!

Lets get this done and over with.

I sat up, i knew my morning hair would be all freaky around my heart shaped face. WOW my mom did not laugh looking at me, anyone else would have. Definitely.

"Yes Mom. Can you please relax? You are giving me a headache." i said rubbing my forehead. It felt as if my heart was throbbing in my head.

"Have you forgotten who the mother of this house is young lady? Gosh Tanya! I am so tired of you talking back to me like that! What am i gonna do with you?" my hazel eyes followed as she moved like an angry tornado around my room, picking up things off the floor. I cringed as she pulled out my dirty socks from under the love seat.

My room, it was most sexy place ever. One whole wall had been removed and replaced by thick glass exposing my room to the marvels of nature. The walls were done in dark purple. I mean who doesn't love purple!

Clear Frustration plastered her face as she stood next to the glass wall with my sock in her hand. I bit my lower lip, thinking of an escape, my bathroom was the best i had.

"Then kindly close your ears ma" I said winking at her before running into the bathroom, leaving my mother in a frenzy, hoping she would be calmer when i got out.

For those of you who don't know me, I am Tanya James .I am 18 years old. I live in the city of New Delhi and I'm currently doing my internship at my fathers office. I deal with my parents everyday, which i am pretty used to by now. Aaaah life.

I could hear my phone ringing outside, i threw my arms in air "Damn it! forgot it outside".

I wrapped myself in the towel and ever so slightly peeped outside the bathroom. It looked like the angry tornado was out of room.


She left it all clean, just the way i hated it. MOTHERS i sighed and walked to my bed checking my phone. My eyes popped at it. 15 freaking missed calls and all from dad. OH JOY.KILL ME ALREADY.

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