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Katies point of veiw:
"Can you please go away i just need space", i asked camron. (FYI camron is my best friend). "Cant you just tell me what happened", camron asked.

Camrons point of view:
"Katies been acting up for the past few days and she will not tell me what happened, it gets me really mad sometimes". Katie marched off.

Katies point of view:
"If i told camron that mary his big sister is bulling me than what will he do?". I head over to camrons house but i make sure mary is not there first.

Camrons point of view:
I hear a knock on my front door. "Who the hell would be hear at 12:00 at night". I go to awnser my door and all of a sudden katie burst threw the door in tears. "KATIE are you ok. What happened". "Do you want to know why i have been acting up all these days" katie says.

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