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The wind blew harder now, my short, billowy yellow dress floating with the flowing air. My long black ghostly hair fanned out pass my shoulders.
"You filthy rat!" The scene shattered. It was replaced with whipping winds of hurricanes, torrential rain, black skies, and heavy burdens. The wheat field was ripped up by lightning.
This is what words can do. Suddenly, I was underwater and out if breath. I floated. No, I sank. "Little Shrimp..." now, I see Kazehaya...my dragon. I smiled knowing that the burden of the sea can't defy gravity. I was safe up here with Kazehaya.


I woke to finding my father stroking my hair. He then placed a crinkly paper and money left on my violin case and left. I'll be on a job. Be back in a few days. Buy what's needed for the house and that's it.
I thought everything was just a fantasy when it comes to love at first sight. Not until found someone...I found him...

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