Of Men and Tacos

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Very rarely in our universe do we discover a common thread of coincidence that seems so unnatural that it must have been place there by an unknown hand on purpose.  For the moment, we shall refer to these unknown hands as the Immortals.  Strictly speaking, they can die,  just not as easily as the typical human.  Age will eventually overtake them, but in about 100,000 earth years instead of the human life of 75-100 years.  They can also die by force.  They aren't indestructible, mind you, just very difficult to destroy by ordinary means.  Most of the time they keep to themselves on their home world on the far side of the universe where the infinite dimensions collide.  They are a rich class of society where their children, when they have them, develope abnomalities due to being exposed to the infinite dimensions.  Powers, if you will, but, as children go, mistakes happen, and some are forced to leave their homeworld until their powers tame.  Our story will follow a group of five.  Flick Taco, Man of Gentle Birth, Fire Child Fuega, Trucker Joe Jose Johnson, and Tyson.  A tale of trajedy, love, and redemption.  A tale...of Tacos.

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