Getting Ready

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Rainbow Dash brushed off the nigtmare like it was nothing. She was quite confident she would win over Twilight's heart. She decided to put on something semi-nice if she was going to confess to Twilight. She needed everything to be perfect.

She searched through her closet to look for a dress or something but unsuprisingly all she had was some hoodies and that was it. She couldn't ask rarity for something on such short notice so she just put on a hoodie, put her hair in a pony tail and decided it was good enough.

She grabbed a bag to put her stuff in. She had written a love poem to Twilight, in which she was not very good. She put it in the bag along with a rose, heart shaped chocolates and a gift box. She was garenteed success when confessing. All she needed now was a gift to put in the gift box she had frown into her bag.

She ran out the door and flew to town so she could get a nice gift for her special some pony.

Authors Note:

Woooooo another chapter edited 😏

I'm currently editing the next chapter too, so that'll be done soon 😊

~Alisha ❤️

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