Back to school ughh. I woke up and was in an okay mood. I wore the picture above. I was so tired. I texted rebecca to come pick me up. I haven't seen ethan in a week. As we pulled up to school I saw ethan and hugged him and we kissed. Then i saw his crazy girl friend looking at me. When rhe bell rang for first period i knew i was gonna be late. Every one was in there classes except for the late people like me. I saw that crazy girl walking up to me. All I could feel was pain. The next thing i knew i was in the hospital. Ethan was there. I don't even know what happened. He kissed my forehead.
"What happened" i askes him.
"You broke your ankle and neck"
"Abby!" I cringed.
"She did this?" He asked.
"From what i remember"
"OH MY GOD, I gotta go love you" he rushed out the door.
My phone buzzed "how are you, poor whore, losing everything, legs, and soon friends and boyfriends too". The number was blocked but that didn't hide abbys identity. I had to find abby. I texted rebecca to come pick me up earlier. The door opened and i told her everything. We went to abbys favorite spot, town park. When we got there I couldn't belive what i saw. I was speechless. Abby and Ethan were sitting there all innocent kissing. Abby stopped and just smiled and ethan pulled away from her and was trying to explain but I just didn't know what to belive.
I went back to my house.ETHANS INNOCENT POV
I went to Abby to go tell her to stop torturing my girlfriend. Then she showedme a picture of Aubrey kissing another guy on December 27th 2015. All the sudden she grabbed me and started kissing me and i pulled away but she just kept getting closer it was really creepy and that's when Aubrey came. I text Aubrey and tried to tell her i didn't kiss her and it came down to me showing her the picture. She replied WTF thats not me. I replied " in order to believe you you have to believe me".
That isn't me, abbys fucking crazy but i don't know if im ready to belive Ethan. Deep inside i can though. I took my exacto knife out, I never thought i would do this. One for me not having the strength to fight abby and one for my boyfriend cheating on me. I took it and lightly dragged it into my wrist. I was speechless.