Thirty Minute Drive

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The moments when you just think.. " ".. We carry on our days, we wake in the early mornings.. 3 alarm alerts later.. One more snooze... One more alarm alert, "Ahhhh, I just fell asleep"... We ignore everything surrounding us.. "It's still dark, the suns not even up yet".. Stretch ourselves out, take off what's on and get sprayed by a temperature controlled sprinkler, eyes still close, that's an extra 5 minutes of sleep while thinking of everything that's should be planned for the day... Turn off the sprinkler, take a deep breathe, it's time for dry off with favorite towel.. Now time for the loud sound of air drying up the scalp, the hot iron for the split ends, the running water in the sink, the minty taste of yummy, the eyes wide open mouth wash, the last splash of water in the face and now we're awake! The favorite bottle of moisturizer, a squeeze into the palm and you're -your very own face massager covered up with pale dust powder.. Clear up the eyes with white drops, the pink little lines start to fade away... and take a black paint brush around the lid of the eyes... And 'wa-laaa'... Then you're mind starts to race because the time is coming up fast... You think in your head, " oh no.. I thought it was only..." Open drawers, closet door open, a mess on the floor, a mess is an outfit, put on some socks and rush out the hallway, hit the toes on the step and holding foot on the floor.... Then you think to yourself, "okay, get yourself together.. I need a cup of 'wake-'me-up!. What's another 5 minutes going to do.. " walk into the room of rectangular cooling box, small rectangular bread warmer, 2 deep squares and a pipe, a square fire starter and some goods around the countertop.. open up door, the light is bright! pull out the cream and tea- pour into favorite mug and open the door to the magical warming device- 2 minutes counting down and 'ding'! 3 minutes to go and sipping that warm comfy feeling and now everything's going to be okay today... Okay time to go! Grab the keys, open the side door, get in traveling device, and space it for thirty minutes thinking about everything that's going on.... A moment of silence comes and the calming of quiet cars passing by the grey skies... you settle in your seat.. and you start to think about some stories... your friends pop up in your mind and you remember the story they told you and you start to think and laugh about it..The thoughts of yesterday start making their way and things that bother you from months before.. You start to think about the annoying things you're going to deal with and you think to yourself, "eh, I got this today". The thoughts of things you wish you could fix, the things you wish you can do better.. You think about your family and the friends you have and you wonder if they're all doing okay.. then you start to think about the things that affect the ones you care about and the things you wish you can say.. "Man, if they only knew"... you start to think about the people around, the ones that surround you everyday... The expectations being to high.. The expectations .being to low... The expectations of yourself.. The acceptance of the moment to be... The acceptance of the future you see.. The moment to realize and really know... The moment you wish others understand.. The time that needs to be listened.. The time is thirty minutes a drive.. The thoughts calm and buried away.. To be continued on the drive back home...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2013 ⏰

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