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Fucking alarm, I can't stand this thing. I picked up my arm and slammed it down on my alarm clock to shut it up. "Finally" I groaned. Pulling myself out of my king sized bed I ran into my shower and turned on the hot water. While Im taking a shower, I'll introduce myself. I'm Zoe. Gold blonde hair, blue green eyes, pale skin due to my Irish British nationality, medium hight, thin with curves, 17 years old. Nothing too exciting really. Parents are rich, I like to sing, live in a mansion in LA California, same old, same old.  My parents are always away on buisness and it honestly doesnt bug me. I guess I'm an 'In the closet' nerd, and I'm not popular, but I'm not hated so I guess it's okay. I have an 'american accent' but honestly I don't hear it because, well, I live in California what do you expect? Jumping out of the shower I made my way into my walk in closet. Hmmmmm what to wear PERFECT. I found my maroon Brandy Melville skirt and a white tight crop top. Like I said; In the closet nerd. After brushing out my naturally straight hair I applied mascara and peppermint chap stick. I love peppermint so much. I grabbed my tan small bag and slipped my phone in it, then ran downstairs. Ugh I want to be on tumblr right now, lookung at danisnotonfire or David Tenant. Yeah, that sounds much better. Getting into my white lexas I drove off to school. Honestly I have like three friends. Welcome to the socially awkward turtles life staring me. Once I got there I jumped out of the car, locked it, and ran inside. The minute I got to the gate my friend Elijah was there. He's my gay, black BFF that is just hilarious as hell. I hugged him and then kissed his cheek. 

"Morning Zoe. I hear theres a new teacher. He's supposed to be really hot, and British." He poked my side, causing me to smile. I have a HUGE love for British boys. Explanation for my love of danisnotonfire. That and he is hilarious 

"OOOOOKAY Elijah whatever you say. Lets go get our scheduals kay?" He nodded and we set off to the office. The lady there seemed like she was off to a great frist day. If your sarcasm alarm wasn't going off then check the batteries becuase BEEDO BEEDO sarcasm alert. 

"Name please." She was grumpy. Somebody needs a hug. 

"Zoe. Zoe Gammo-"

"Found you. Here's your schedual have a nice day." Okay hold the fudge up. 1. She cut me off, RUDE, and 2. YOU KNOW WHAT? I WILL have a nice day thank you very much. If you haven't noticed yet I'm a bit of a sarcastic joker. What can I say, I'm special. Elijah and I left to our lockers and I cheked my shedual. 'Algebra AP- Ms. Rosenburg. Physics AP- Mr. Glusp. Science- Ms. O'riely. History- Mr. Bejamin. Literature and Writing- Ms. Ryans. Drama- Mr. Tomlinson. He must be the new teacher. Yeah, I'm in AP classes, told you I'm a nerd. Anyways back to the hot guy. I wonder what he's like. It doesn't matter he would like me as a student. Not even that becuase I SUCK at drama. Every other class is okay and then it comes to drama and it's like 'Prepare for crash landing becuase these grades are falling out of the sky'. Anyways off to Algebra. I'm not the best at this class but I maintain an A average, so I can't be too bad. 


Time went by fast today. Even though it's the first day its not too bad. All the teachers pretty much love me, and I didn't really do anything good to get it that way. Grabbing my drama book I made my way to the drama room. I didn't see the teacher there so I just assumed he wasn't in there. Walking up to the only other person in the classroom who happened to be my best friend we talked like nobody else was there. 

"Hey Zoe" She motioned me over to her. Sitting down I put down my purse.

"Hey Alice. Whats up?"

"Don't act cool on me. I know your a nerd." I laughed.

"Got that right. Hey Elijah said the new teacher is hot. But he also thought that the bus driver last year was hot so by those standars for all I know he could be a hobo." She laughed and so did I. 

"Ugh my stomach hurts." 

"Why? Mine does too."

"Why does yours hurt?" She asked. 

"Ummmm you can say I'm not the best cook. Or the best at checking dates." I giggled. All of a sudden people were pouring in the classroom. I shrugged and sat next to Alice, waiting for the teacher to walk in. Little did I know he was alreading sitting in his chair. He abruptly stood up causing all eyes in the room to turn to him. Damn he was hot, to say the least. I guess he heard my conversation. It's not like I said anything embarrassing. 

"Afternoon class." Oh damn that accent. Its like... British. Yep, awkward turtle coming out. "I am your new teacher Mr. Tomlinson. Please feel free to call me Mr. T or Mr. Tommo, whatever you want as long as its appropriate." He turned to the board, writing some stuff on it and I blanked out. "Eh ehm EXCUSE ME" I looked up and saw Mr. Tomlinson like a foot from my face. "Whats your name?" He asked rudely. "Z-Zoe" Great stutter Zoe. "Well Zoe I will see you after class for detention." I sighed and put my head down. Not like I have anyting to do anywyas. "HEAD UP" Wow jerk much? Sighing again I put my head up, but just stared into space and blanked out again. The bell snapped me out of my thoughts. I began to get up when his voice sounded again. Its like heaven mixed with hell in one voice belonging to a sex god. "Zoe back here. You have detention." I nodded and sat down again in the front. Twirling my pencil around in my hand he came up to me. "Why aren't you paying attention?" I shrugged. "I'm not good at drama, sorry." He looked at me in a way that made my insides explode. "I can fix that. Please pay attention next time?" I nodded and looked down. He stood up and went back to his desk. My phone kept going off with tumblr alerts, twitter alerts, kiks from my internet friends, and some texts from my few freinds I have in real life. "Zoe put your phone on silent please." I nodded and put my iphone on silent. When the clock stuck four he got up. "You can go." I nodded and walked out to get in my car. When I got in I turned on the radio. You know what? What the hell I'm going shopping. I got out of my car at the shopping mall and ran in. After I had finished my spree I got back in my car and went home. Of course my house is empty. I ran upstiars with my bags and put all my stuff away. I stripped down and looked in the mirror. Everyone says I have Avril Lavinge's body. I am totally okay with that. I put on some random pair of undergarments and then got on my sweatpants and an avengers shirt. I slipped on my glasses and got out my laptop. After hours of Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube, and homework I turned off my light and plopped in my bed. Tomorrow, I'm going to try something new. For Mr. Tomlinson. No, Zoe. Not for him. 

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