School Tour Part 1

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Mitsuki's P.O.V.

As we went in the principles office, I saw a old man in the room. "Hey, Gramps! What do you want today?" Gray asked.

"Yeah whatever, I want to talk to Mitsuki first so shut up Gray!" He said. Gray had a tick mark at the back of his head and turned his head to the side. I giggled.

"Anyway, I'm Macarov, people call me Master, Master Macarov, Macarov, or gramps. You can call me anything you like✌! So, Mitsuki, do you know where's you classes located?" He asked me.

"Um... actually, no... I was getting lost on the way here. Gray had to pull me around to get me here. Hahaha...😅" I answered.

"Oh, it's ok, it's normal for people not knowing where their classes are since it's there first time. And that's the reason why I called you two. Gray, I want you to tour Mitsuki around the school, Can you?" Master asked Gray.

"Sure, I can. *whispers* I'll be glad to." Gray answered.

"Well, it's settled. Gray you tour around the school now. I gave you two permission to go around the school now so you'll be late for classes. And you guy's can take your time to walk around the school." Master said.

"Ok, thanks Master!!" I answered.

"Yeah, your welcome!" Master said. As we walked out of the principles office, Gray asked me where I want to start off with.

"I don't really care, but why don't we start from the first floor?" I asked him back.

"Ok, sure. Fine, with me." He answered. We went down the stairs, right in front of the shoe lockers. (Japanese school uses shoe lockers to change their shoes into indoor shoes or to the outside shoes. The locker is usually small and divided into two parts the top part is for indoor shoes and the bottom one is part is used for outside shoes) We walked to the left, where the infirmary room is. The room has two white bed with yellow curtains on each of them, a desk with a computer and lots of medicines on a small shelf that fits on the desk, and a bigger shelf of medicines on the right of the desk. The infirmary teacher, Porlyusica, kept on saying Go away and I hate humans. 'Wow, I hate humans huh? That's a weird line for a infirmary teacher...' I thought. "So yeah, porlyusica is the infirmary teacher. Although most people say she isn't like one..." He mumbled the last part.

"Ahahaha" I sweat dropped.

"Let's go!" Gray said.

"Ok, where?"

"To the music Class!" I was pulled by Gray, again, so I don't get lost. We went up the stairs, and we finally made it to Music class, and music teacher welcomed us. The music room had a big grand piano, some instruments, and some stands and chairs.

"Wow, better than the other school..." I said.

"Wait really, you used to go to a rich school right? And this school's music class is better?" he asked supersized.

"Well yeah, cuz this flirty bunch of boys made this flirty club in the music room. And I love to sing so... Every time I go in there they always try to flirt with me. And I hate flirty guys..." I answered.

"Oh... hey, Mrs. Melody, Can Mitsuki come in the music class for fun at lunch?" Gray asked what I was going to ask.

"Of course she can, Come whenever you want to come Mitsuki-chan!" Mrs. Melody answered.

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Melody." I thanked her.

"So let's go to the cooking class."

"Sure!" And, again I was pulled by Gray. As we enter the cooking class, I saw a lot of sinks with other food materials. The teacher, Mrs. Menchi, is a very scary teacher, is what I heard from Lucy. But, to me, she doesn't look scary at all.

"You are the new kid?" She asked.


"I want to test you. Now."

"But, I still have to look around the school, so um... Maybe next time." I said.

"I SAID NOW!!!!"

"Y-yes!!" 'Omg, she is scary, I take back what I thought a little while ago.' I thought. I mouthed help me to Gray. He mouthed me back saying, sorry I can't help with Menchi.

"Ok, make me an cake, I don't care what food you use. Just make me say delicious, get it?" I nodded.

"Oh, Gray you can help her... never mind... you'll make her make a bad cake... Gray you can sit and watch." He had a tick mark and rolled his eyes and walked to the chair. Then, I started to make the cake.

"Whoa, you're fast at cooking" Mrs. Menchi said.

"Thanks." After, thirty minutes, I was done with baking the cake.

"Here you go, Mrs. Menchi." I said and handed her the cake. As she ate the cake, I expected her to give me bad words. But, instead she gave me compliments.

"OMG, this cake is so delicious!! You should make an cake to Erza, she will like it!"

"Wait, what!!!! Menchi approved someone's food as delicious!!! Let me try some!" Gray ran from his seat and grabbed some cake, and ate it.

"OH MY FLIPPING GOD! THIS CAKE IS SO DELICIOUS!!" Gray practically yelled.

"Um... you guys are over reacting..." I said sweat dropping.

"Mitsuki, you are a good cooker!!" Mrs. Menchi and Gray said together.

"Thanks... I guess..." I answered. 'I guess today is going to be a long day...' I thought.

Gray and Mrs. Menchi's P.O.V.

She makes delicious cakes. She might be a god of cooker or something.


Hey everyone! So, I think I will be able to update more since it spring break for me! And yeah, I put some random characters from random anime I know. So the next chapter will be about the other school classes. Whoever has an idea for teachers Can you tell me! I need Idea's for the teachers. I would appreciate it! Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Stay tuned for the next chapter and goodbye for now!


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