16) Frenemies

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I hadn't seen Talon since this morning, before he left for school. So I left to head to Alpha Alante's territory. I thought he might be there since he's friends with Alaina now. I haven't met her yet, but I heard she's pretty cool to hang out with. 

On the way to Alante's pack house. One of the territory patrols stopped me on the way there once I reached the grounds, but soon let me pass when they realized I was a member of Marcus. And as soon as I set foot on the territory, my wolf became antsy and wired all of a sudden. I felt something was wrong, but right at the same time. I don't know what it was but it had me vigilant and ready for any unwanted surprises if any at all. I heard about these feelings from my mother. She said before she met my father she had became anxious, but just because I'm feeling anxiety all of a sudden doesn't mean I'm about to meet my mate. I don't want to meet my mate.

Once I got to the door, I raised my fist about to knock on it, but somebody already opened the door before I got a chance to knock. "Hey. I was told you were coming by. Are you looking for the Alpha?" A tall brown haired, green eyed guy asked me. "Um, no actually. I was looking for...Alaina." I said almost forgetting her name. "My brother hangs out with her I guess and I wanted to see if she might be here." 

"No, I'm sorry. Alaina's not here, but I can let her know you stopped by. What's your name?" He asked me. "Tonya. If my brother is with her can you just tell him I'm looking for him. Talon, his name's Talon." I told him. He nodded his head, "Sure I can do that." 

"Aright thanks." I thanked him before he closed the door. I sighed, irritated at his being m.i.a. He won't answer his phone and I can't link him for some odd reason. He knows how I get when he doesn't answer to any of my calls. But that's okay, he has to come tonight so I'll cuss him out then. I began my tread back home, not much in a rush to get there when all of a sudden an all too familiar voice stopped me. 

"Tonya. How delightful to see you here. Long time, no see." Kearra said as fake as can be. I turned around and there she was, standing there with her arms crossed over her chest and a devious smirk on her face. Her presence here couldn't be good. "Kearra. I wish I could say the same, but I'd be lying if I did. What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped at her with as much venom and hatred as I could. I hated her for what she did, and for what she was. Sneaky, vindictive, and conniving. "Oh, you didn't here? Alpha Alante has allowed me on the territory. And it won't be long until he accepts me in to the pack. So I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of each other from now on." She said arrogantly.

I scoffed, "Wipe that smug grin off your face. We won't be seeing a lot of any body. At all." I spat at her. She walked up to me with her hand over her chest as if she were hurt by what I said, "Aw, Tonya. I thought we were friends. Well, at least I thought we can forget everything and become friends. Again, that is." 

"We aren't friends Kearra! We never were and we never will be, again, or ever. You were a fake and a bully and I don't want any thing to do with you." I told her. 

"Oh please, save it and cry me a river. You never knew how to stand up for yourself I always had to come to your rescue and the only reason why I hung out with you was because I always sort of felt sorry for you." She said in a false sympathetic tone. "And I wanted to get close to your brother anyways, you know I always had feelings for him. Where is Talon anyways? We have a lot of catching up to do." She shrugged in a "matter of fact'' notion. 

"No you didn't." I retorted angrily. "You only wanted my dad and you know it. And when I didn't help you get closer to him you became a two faced, spoiled, bitch. You stay away from my brother, I don't want him catching anything from a leech like you." I sneered. She only giggled a smirk and then walked away. With that I did the same. Now, I needed to see Talon. I had to tell him about what just happened. If I were a rogue or a if I would've ran into her before she met Alante I probably would've attempted to kill her, but since the circumstances were different, I couldn't afford to have a killer status, not when the packs were practically one with each other. 

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