He Cheats

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Harry- You are walking around the town by yourself because Harry was on tour so you were talking a walk to get Harry off of your mind. You walk in a store and go to the magazine aisle and look at some magazine when one catches your eye and pick it up "Harry Styles cheating?" You put it down. Harry always told you to never believe any of that. The girl was the same one you saw in every magazine. You'd confronted him about it but he said it was "just a friend" you couldn't wait to meet his "friend". To be honest you were pretty jealous of her. But when you were thinking about that you got a text message from Harry "I'm at Rehearsal right now. Wait for me in the hotel room and tonight will be one of the nights you won't forget (;" you replied back instantly "harry where you supposed to send this to me? :/"

Not a few minutes later he replied "no I'm sorry :(" "Who were you gonna 'please' tonight? Don't lie to me Harold." It took him a long to reply "I'm being unfaithful. :(" now you were the one who took time to reply because you never did reply back to him.

Zayn- "goodbye Zayn" "goodbye babe" he said and then he kisses you. He came over to visit and he was leaving to rehearsals. You were kind of bored after he left and went to the park. But before you went to the park you went to go get a coffee. You were walking when you saw a couple with a little boy not older than 2. You started to walk behind them and the shape looked familiar. You just shrugged it off and kept on walking. The guy had Zayn's hair. You laughed at yourself for remembering him, you miss him already? You lean on a tree not far behind them and you just stare at him. The guy turns around and kisses the girl and you see the side of his face. It's Zayn. You drop your coffee on you and it was burning hot "shit this fucking burns" you cursed out and Zayn turns around and sees you. He gets up and starts to walk towards you. You notice tears on your face. You start to walk away and Zayn is catching up to and you start to run even though your legs are stinging from the coffee. He starts to run and calls out your name "(Y/N) it's not what it looks like!" You laugh sarcastically "oh Zayn I know what it looks like you have been cheating on me for more than 2 years"

Louis- You and Louis were shopping at Victoria Secret "hello welcome to Victoria Secret. How are you doing today? Do you need help finding anything?" An employee asked. "No nothing at the moment thanks though." You told her but I guess she didn't pay attention she was staring at Louis the whole time. You look at her and then look back at Louis. There staring at each other like if they had just fallen in love you got mad so you walked away from them. You started to get what you needed and paid. You were gonna walk out of the store but Louis called your name. You knew it was him so you kept walking.

*a week later*

You text Louis that you're going home late and you have to stay for a few more hours. You didn't know how many so you tell him a few hours. You get home after 3 hours and you walk in and the house is silent and you go into your bedroom and it's all quiet. You walk into the guest room there Louis is on top of a girl. They both look at you and the girl who worked at Victoria Secret. You close the door and walk out of your home. Well old home. You're walking but you don't know where your heading you just keep on walking.

Niall- you were coming home from university and Niall was on tour. You were getting home and you were really tired. You went upstairs and you saw a note on the bathroom door. "Hey babe I'm waiting for you in the shower (;" you squealed because Niall was finally home. You open the door and the shower is on. A smile appears on your face. You open the shower curtain and a girl is in the shower with 2 fingers inside of her moaning. Your smile suddenly fades. She looks at you with hunger in her eyes. You start to leave. You open the door and Niall is standing in front holding the note. You move him out of the way and head to your room and grab your suitcase and start to pack. You look at Niall and he looks hurt. "Are you mad at me because I didn't make it to the shower with you?" He asks you. You look at him confused. "What are you saying?"

Liam- you were at a party and Liam went to go get some drinks for you guys but he found some lads and started to talk to them. You were pumped so you wanted to dance. You took Eleanor and Perrie to dance and you were having fun. Many hours passed and you had not seen Liam but you didn't worry you knew most of these people. You were getting tired and you were looking for him to head home. You asked Harry where he had gone to, he told you he left home and you drive home. Ready to fall asleep. You're wondering why he leave without me. You go inside and you see Liam shirtless on the couch sleeping. You go upstairs and get him a blanket. When you go downstairs you see a girl in her bra and panties. You gasp. You gasped a little too loud; she heard you so she turns around and she grabs her clothes and starts to walk towards the door. You walk down the stairs and stop her "you can stay, I'm the one that should be leaving" you were surprised of what you said. But it was the best for you. She stares at you with a blank expression. You walk out the door without saying or doing nothing.

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