Why can't I be like barbie?
And absolutely skinny
Have the flawless skin
No blemishes noticeable
Just bright blue eyes
That are brighter then the skies
I can see myself now...
Walking with long legs
Looking cool
And making the guys drool
But how far would I go?
To have her looks
Would I starve myself?
Or throw up behind a shelf?
I ask these questions everyday
Hoping I may see beyond my flaws
But I keep getting pulled back
To look like the blond with the 6 pack
Maybe I should have listened
When they said I was crazy
I told them I just needed to go to bed
To get rid of the voices in my head
I shouldn't have payed attention
To the doll in my dreams
I could have run away
But instead I chose to stay
If she hadn't consumed my life...
I would probably still be alive
But in the end
They found me dead
I look down on my life
Wondering why I had to be perfect?
The piece of plastic that drove me mad
Now only made me depressed and sad
But in the end I got my wish
I became exactly like barbie
The barbie in real life, your basic...
This is for everyone who wants to be perfect...
But is there really a perfect?
You are all beautiful in your own way :)