chen - concert

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You and Chen were huuuge fans of Paramore and you were both finally going to see them live.
Music was the thing that brought you both together and it has glued your now two year relationship tightly.

"Have you got everything?"

"Yes y/n stop worrying ok hun" Chen said and put his arm over your shoulder

"I know I shouldn't I just really want today to be perfect." 

"It already is, since you are here" Chen looked at you and grinned. You lightly slapped his chest whilst giggling. What he said was cheesy but very cute. You kissed him passionately and then you both walk into the arena hand in hand.

After buying some food together and dancing a bit to the opening act, it was finally time for the main act to come on.

"wow i'm so nervous but also extremely excited" Chen said and squeezed your hand a bit.
You both screamed and were acting like 14 year old fanboys and fangirls.
After dancing and singing along to the words to the first four songs, yours and chen's favourite paramore song was playing, 'The only exception'.

It was a song was a song filled with great memories since it was the song you had your first kiss too. You started to slightly choke up with tears by the chorus but kept on singing your heart out whilst clinging onto chen's hand.

"y/n," Chen said and let go off her hand
"i've loved you for so long you know that and you are the only exception in my life because i love you so so so much," Chen got down on one knee. Your heart was beating fast, tears rushing down your face, you couldn't believe what was happening.

"y/n, will you do me the honour of being my wife and marry me?" Everyone around you gasped waiting for your response.

"YES, YES, YES I WILL, I LOVE YOU!" you screamed and chen got up and tightly hugged you.
People in the stalls around you cheered and the song slowly came to an end.

"I love you y/n"

"I love you too Chen"

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