chapter fifteen

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Tuesday, 3rd November 2015

8:13AM | Clan of Clandestine, Base Four

Everything felt as though it were submerged within a body of water, slowing movement, deafening sound. Your bones became helpless against the current, mouth filling with liquid and drowning out the words you were so desperately trying to form. The one name that you had been repeating in your mind since the very beginning.Min Yoongi. Min Yoongi. Min Yoongi.

But he too was within the waves, his hearing just as useless as your own.

So you did the only thing you could, and that was stumble forward on quivering soles, urgently trying to remove the helmet from your head with numb fingertips. You did not know where the bullet from the smoking lip of his shotgun had ended up, all you knew was that it did not hit you, and that he was raising the barrel right up again and aiming it at the centre of your forehead.

The olive skinned boy beside Yoongi was suddenly shouting something along the lines of wait or hate, you could not decipher, though his finger was already curling too tightly around the trigger and you were damn lucky that you saw it coming. Your body dropped to the floor, a collapsing tower of meat and flesh as the bullet whizzed with a threat over your head and embedded into something that did not sound like the surface of a human being. Then you were up on your feet and racing again, the helmet left discarded where you had lay.

Yoongi, distracted by the thirst for blood that was painted to his pale skin, did not notice the change of the enemy until he was hastily bringing the weapon back up after reloading the chamber, did not realise until your face was suddenly right before his vision and colliding into him in muscle and bone. The King slipped into a state of shock, confusion, overwhelming euphoria all at once. Incapable of completely registering the sensation of your arms looped tightly around his neck, thrusting him back a few steps with your determined momentum until the gun was going slack in his palms and falling completely to the linoleum, curling your waist into a steel embrace. The body of water dispersed, ears and eyes clearing, draining away to reveal you here, safe and alive.

"Y/N?" He tentatively called for you after a moment, needing to hear your voice for the reality of it all to sink in.

"It's me, Yoongi," You breathed, leaning back and holding his face. His heart swooned to the skies at the familiar lilt, repeating over in a harmonious tune it's me, it's me, it's me.

He looked like heartbreak and love all at once with your fingers cradling his jaw, mouth slightly parted and his eyebrows pinched. The way that his gaze drank in your features was entirely intoxicating, swallowing you both into a trance of adoration where nothing mattered but him, nothing mattered but you. A small smile tilted at your lips at the way his arms tightened around the base of your spine, a low moan of finally resolved absence sounding from his throat as he drew you back into the safety of his chest in a silent promise that he was never going to let this happen again, that the two of you were to never be separated from this day onward. You shivered when his mouth skimmed across the soft, blood splattered skin of your cheek, burying his nose into the strands of your hair and inhaling sharply, groaning once again when faint vanilla and the overall aroma that defined you invaded his senses, a gentle fuck exhaled at the curve of your ear.

"I thought I lost you," Yoongi murmured, his words tracing the skin of your hearing. "I thought you were dead."

Twisting your fingers into the damp locks of blonde, you tugged them lightly, furthermore proving that you were real, breathing, here. You pressed your lips to the angle of his jaw, sentences sliding like honey. "None of that matters now. You came, Yoongi. You came for me."

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