When you meet

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[im pretty sure you now the rules by now, but I'm just putting them up here.
[Y/n: your name
H/c: hair colour
H/l: hair length
S/t: skin tone
E/c: eye colour
F/c: favourite colour
I might of missed a few.]

Asriel Screemurr
Sketchbook in hand, headphones blasting music and your pencil case along with your bag at your side. You where sitting in front of buttercups, sketching out every detail of the yellow flowers, bobbing your head softly to the beats of the music. You where listening to 'His theme' made by no other then Nabstablook! A close friend of yours.
Your pink lips mouthing out the lyrics that you made for the song. Unknown to your surroundings, you didn't notice a monster sit next to you.
Humming along to the music you began singing now. The tall monster leaned against the bench and smiled at your voice
"You have a nice voice."
You froze on the spot, slowly turning towards the stranger only to find a (FURRY!) goat like monster staring down at you with a heart melting smile. But you where to shocked to realize it. You snapped out of your daze and let out a nervous laugh "Heheh... Thanks I guess?"
The monster held out his hand waiting for you to shake it. You slowly grabbed onto his hand feeling the fluffy fur on him, "I'm Asriel, Asriel Dreemurr." "My name is (Y/n)." You smiled in return.
He got up from his spot and waved at you "See you later."

Snas the skelepun
You where on top of a hill, laying down on a blanket and staring up at the lights you came to love.
Stars where your favourite, you secretly are an astronomy geek and absolutely loved space!
You took a picture of this, obviously with flash on, and saved it to your phone.
You could've stayed there all night but sadly you had work in the morning. Stupid work, but you have to pay your bills and shiz. Just as you where walking you didn't notice someone standing in front of you staring at the sky. You of course bumped into the said person, falling onto your sweet @$$.
The person staggered backwards, the moonlight making his face visible. From what you could tell was a guy based on how he looked. He looked down at you and snickered before extending a hand(?) out to you. "Jeez lady, I know I'm good looking but I didn't expect you falling for me that quick." You where about to reply in thanks when you realized what he said.
"That was so horrible." You tried to stop the giggles from escaping, note 'tried'. "Hey throw me a bone here. Your laughing." He grinned wider, if that was possible at least "S-Stop." You where now having a laughing fit, it took a while before you calmed down.
"Why are here anyways?" The skeletal monster asked you, as he raised a eye brow (bone brow?) "Looking at the stars." You shrugged "Heh, same ere. Names Sans, Sans the skeleton."
He held out a hand, you gently took it, now feeling the smooth feeling of his bones "(Y/n), (Y/n) the human." You smiled. Before realizing the time when you looked at your phone.
"Shoot! I loved to stay and chat but I got to get going!" You blabbered and apology and ran off, forgetting something.
Sans shrugged and looked to where you where laying, noticing you left your favourite blanket.

You where casually working at your job, serving customers, wiping tables and cooking. Your life is pretty normal, you worked at a café and right now your shift is where you work at the counter.
Your arm on the counter, face placed right on your palm, and a bored expression on your face. Work is going slow right now, no customers have come in a while. Your shift ends at 2:30 pm and right now it's only 1:30 pm. Just as you where about to doze off, the door slammed open and a loud voice snapped your attention up to the person, err. Skeleton.
That right, monsters came up to the surface two months ago. The skeleton walked up to the counter and struck a pose with his cape fluttering behind him, in a rather loud voice he said, "DO YOU SELL SPAGHETTI HERE!?" His voice had an accent to it. Making him sound childish yet cute. You giggled at his pose but sadly shook your head "Sorry, skeletor. But we only sell coffee and sweets." He pouted, how does he move his face when he literally is made of bones? You decided not to question it. "OH IN THAT CASE! I LIKE TO HAVE SOME DONUTS AND A FRAPPU?!" You smiled warmly and began to take his orders. In a few minutes his things where bagged, except his drink. "That'll be 5.00$ please." He gave you the money and walked towards the door but stopped right in front of it and turned "THANKS HUMAN FOR THE GREAT PAPYRUS NEEDS THIS!" This guy is awesome, he left the shop and to make things more awesome, your shift just ended. You can now go home! Yay!!!

D . W Guster
You've noticed strange things happening on your laptop this past week. Strange symbols would appear when your typing, and the font would always be on wing dings when you logged on, you tried bringing it to the shop but they would always assume it's a virus.
You sighed in frustration at your stupid laptop, your head was on the desk when you heard typing on the keys. You looked up in shock to see words written out in English this time. 'HeLlO ThErê' shock was still written on your face when you snapped out of it. You typed a reply back to the thing that was messing with your device, waiting for it to type back.
By the time you heard keys clicking, you where on your phone. 'My NaMe is W. D. GaStEr. WhAt iS yOuRs?' 'Ok this is starting to get weird, hopefully this is just a hacker...' You thought before you typed back your name.
'(Y/n)? ThAts YoUr NaMe? It SoUNds nIcE. I HaVe tO go NoW.' Your computer shut itself down then restarted. You shrugged and continued on with your day, not noticing a face staring at you in wonder.

(Give me some of that)  Assgore ;)
King Fluffy buns
You worked at a cute little flower shop down town, just right besides 'Muffets baked goods' it can get pretty busy in this shop, but today... Only three customers showed up.
You sighed in boredom and continued playing with a flower petal not noticing a customer came in and was admiring your shop. Until his deep voice brought you back to reality, you looked at the customer with a smile "Hi, how can I help you?" He was staring down at you, a smile on his face "Do you happen to sell any rose seeds and buttercups?" His voice sounded like it was filled with wisdom, yet the goat monster didn't even look old. You grabbed the seeds and buttercups and handed them to the man. "That'll be 8.00$ sir." He pulled out a ten dollar bill and placed it on the counter, "Keep the change (Y/n).", then he left. You began to wonder how he knew your name, then soon realized you had a name tag.

Part two coming soon this summ-
No I'm working on it

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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