Last Night's Dinner

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You and Alec have been with each other for the past 5 years. He found you at the town he went to after Broadchurch and loved you from the moment he met you. You've been married for 2 of those years. It's been the happiest 2 years of your lives.

Your POV;

Alec has been in the bathroom for about ten minutes, doing god knows what. You hear the toilet flush, and you see him making his way out of the bathroom, somewhat resembling a zombified egg. He looks pale as an egg, and moving slow like a zombie. You spring out of bed and go to him.

"Alec, what's wrong? Are you ok? Is your pacemaker bothering you?" You quickly ask him, putting your arm on his back and placing his arm over your shoulder to help him back to the bed. Once he was back in bed, and you were next to him in a warm cuddle, he answered your question.

"I'm ok, I'm just a bit sick is all." He says in his heavy accent that washes over you like a warm wave of happiness. You sit up, removing your head from the top of his chest.

"Should I go get some stomach relief stuff for you? I don't think this is very fun for you." You say, gently rubbing his chest with one hand while using the other to hold your self up.

"I'm ok, really." He says. Then, all of a sudden, his eyes go wide and he jumps out of bed and practically flies to the bathroom. You go in to find him with his head over the toilet, a foul stench coming from the porcelain throne. You rub his head as he emptied his stomach of last night's dinner. Once he was finished, he flushed it down and stood up with your help. You then made your way back to the bed, and laid down in it.

"Now do you want me to go get some stomach relief for you?" You ask him, shoving your hand in his hair and massaging his scalp. You hear him groan out of discomfort.

"I feel like shite, (Y/N). Some medicine at this point would be nice, I do have to admit." Instead of his usual smooth, flawless voice, he was groggy sounding and stuffy. You smile, moving his hair from his forehead so you could kiss it.

"Well, Alec, I'll be back soon with some medicine for you. I'll be as fast as I can, love." You say, squeezing his hand before darting out of the room and to the car you both shared. You quickly got in and speeded a little to get to the pharmacy, and then you hurriedly found what you needed and paid for it, and it wasn't long after all that that you were back in your home with the most amazing man in your life.

"Alec! I'm home!" You say, going to the kitchen to get him a glass of water to take with his medicine. You then go into the bedroom to see it empty, and panic begins to wriggle into your mind. Then, you hear the toilet flush and all sense of panic immediately evacuates your mind. The bathroom door opens, and out steps Alec in nothing but a baggy white t-shirt and his pants. (A/N pants is underwear, just for all you Americans who're hopefully reading this piece of shite.)

"Are you feeling any better, Alec?" You say, moving the blankets for him so he can get in bed.

"Not one bit. You got the medicine?" He asks, laying down slowly. You nod, and then realize he can't see your head because of his eyes being closed.

"Yes, I've got them right here. Here's the pills, aaaaand here's the water." You say, handing him each item in that order. He quickly takes the pills and hands you the water glass. Then, you get in bed with him.

"(Y/N), you really shouldn't be in bed with me. I could get you sick." He says, looking at you with his puppy dog eyes. You quickly look away so he can't persuade you.

"I know, and it's my choice to stay in this bed with you. I'm going to be here with you, and that's that." You say firmly but kindly. He knows that once you make up your mind about something, it's impossible to change it. So, he says nothing. You cuddle up to him, with your hand and head on his chest, and his arms around you. The rest of the morning was spent cuddling with him and him dashing to the bathroom to throw up again, but around noon the pills kicked in. The rest of the day was spent cuddling, and inevitably, just a little bit more than cuddling, which both of you enjoyed.

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