Left Unfinished

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It was a long, cold day. I awoke in the dull early mornings to a phone call. The number was restricted but I regretfully answered the phone anyway. As I answered the phone a deep, stern voice cut me off.
"May I speak to Justin Hayes?" It said.
"Yes sir, this is
him," I politely answered.
He said," We need you to come down to the station on 3rd, it is important"
He wouldn't tell me why, but he sounded serious, so I quickly changed into my jeans and started walking to the police station.
The night was cold, and wet, my feet didn't like it, they were mad that i left my shoes at home.
After a few minutes I got to the station
"How may I help you today?" The receptionist offered as I walked in the door.
The police station was warm inside, I enjoyed it, the heat of the room wrapped around me like a blanket.
"Hello, I was told to come down here, the officer didn't leave a name, but he said its urgent"
"Please have a seat while I see who called you in."
She sounded like she knew what was going on, with a hint of remorse, Tucson was a small town, not much activity went on. I waited eagerly in the lobby for what seemed like 3 hours, but within those 3 hours were only 15 minutes.

I was looking down at the ground with my head in my hands when a voice rose up beside me,
"Are you Justin?" It asked, I looked up and saw the officer.
"Yes, I am"
"I called you down to the station because I have to inform you of some bad news," the officer claimed
My heart dropped to the floor, as I awaited the bitter news.
"Son I'm sorry to inform you, but your friend Jessie has been murdered, so far we have no leads, we were wondering if you could help us out a bit?" The officer asked.
The cold words that escaped from his lips hit me, they were so strong that the room got colder, really colder, eventually it got so cold that everyone stopped moving as if they all froze from his cold words, but in reality everyone went about their day as I stared there looking and thinking. Eventually I was fed up and fled the station. I ran back home and crawled back into bed. Trying to get my mind off of the situation.
Later that morning I woke to the sound of my alarm, I laid there for about thirty minutes until I decided to get into the shower, I was in disbelief, as soon as I finished my shower I went into Jessie's room to see if he was there.. He wasn't, I started to believe that my best friend had left me. The pain rolled from my eyes in the form of a watery substance as I tried to hold on to the disbelief that somehow managed to escape.
Two months went by and the police had absolutely nothing. The pain seemed to get worse with every second that passed me. I tried to hold on but I somehow couldn't. It was in that moment that I decided to look for myself. I was going to find the killer, I didn't yet know how, but I swore to myself that I would find his killer.
I had an officer that I went to high school with help me by giving me everything I needed to help find the killer. I started by communicating with his mother, Patrice.His mom and I were extremely close, I would spend all of my time over at Jessie's house and I would help her out whenever she needed it. I also knew that She and Jessie would always argue, they didn't have a fond relationship with each other, which caused Jessie to develop a bad lifestyle. He decided to start drugs when he was 15, which no one ever knew about but me. He tried to get me to do them with him but I refused. I took a bus to Patrice's house and when I got there she was in a hurry to the store, and she didn't really have an interest of talking about the subject. I noticed that she wasn't much help so I took a bus back to my apartment. I had to figure out where I was going to go next. I read over the case file that was given to me, there was a page that was ripped out of the file, I didn't know weather it was important or if it was so irrelevant that they decided to exclude it from the investigation. I didn't think too much about it but I did believe it would prevent me from finishing my personal investigation any sooner than I would have without it.
I looked towards the clock to find that it was already 3:30, I was ready for a break. I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack, the kitchen was pretty much the same as it was the night Jessie died. I really hadn't been in it since that morning, I usually ate out, but some nights the pain was so bad that I would crawl up into bed and I wouldn't eat all day. On the counter laid his wallet, I grabbed it and held it close as it reminded me of him. I missed my best friend, I'm incomplete without him, my rock left me. I was abandoned, I was screaming for help but no one came. I was lost. I couldn't find my way. I broke down crying, I decided that I was done with the day and crawled into bed, but I couldn't sleep. So there I lied, in a Cocoon style position, the heat of the blanket warmed me, it reminded me of the police station. I closed my eyes and imagined i was back in the police station, instead Jessie was alive and well. It made me feel happy inside, it made me feel better, the heat intensified. I was always so cold for some reason.
Several hours later I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was Patrice, she said that the police had closed the investigation and that they handed Jessie's body over to the funeral home. I was unaware as to why they held his body for that long anyway.
"The funeral is Saturday at 2:30 PM at Fowlers Funeral Home. You're invited and welcome to come over after the funeral for the family gathering" she politely explained.
I thanked her and then hung up the phone, I looked at the clock and it was 7:30, a four hour nap was good enough for me, I decided to take a walk around town because I needed a place to get my mind off of things. As I was walking I noticed someone was following me. My first instinct was that it was the killer that killed my best friend. I played it cool and i walked around in a circle to make sure that the man behind me was actually following me. I then knew that they were, a sense of terror towered over me so much that I started shaking. I kept walking and they kept following, eventually I was lost and couldn't find my way home. I knew that something was about to happen. I was prepared to fight, the man behind me started walking faster, they got closer, their steps got louder. I turned a corner and hid in a dark alley way. I stood there silently in the darkness. They walked passed the alley but stopped half way, and they looked around and waited for what seemed like 5 hours. They then made their way forward and disappeared into the night, I was almost certain that they were trying to kill me.  I quickly ran to the nearest building
"Excuse me, where do I go to get back to 6th Ave? I'm kind of lost."
"Well you have to take this street all the way north until you can only turn left or right, at that point you want to make a right, there's a bus stop a few blocks down, it will take you where you need to go" said the receptionist.
I quickly thanked her and moved a long.
(The story is a work in progress) I will add more and more every day

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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