chapter 7

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Daryl's POV 

I closed the door and leaned against it gently. Why did I do that? My fingers brushed against my lips while I smiled. I have no idea why I did it but it felt right. His lips were rough against mine and it just felt right to do it at the time.  I made my way to the house to get ready for the run.  I passed by the car where Rick was leaning against it. Once he noticed me a smirk played on his lips.
"What?" I asked as I tried to transform my smile into a scowl.
"So. You and Jesus? Do you guys want some alone time on the run today?" He teased pushin off the car. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off.  He only laughed at me and followed as I walked to the house. "I didn't say it was a bad thing. It's about time you warmed up to him. I just didn't expect it in this way. Haven't seen you smile like that since Beth."
"I was just making sure he got back safely." I lied.
"Right. And you're just making sure he was safe when you refused us to go on a run alone. And you were just making sure there was no boogyman when you slept in his bedroom. " He smiled at me. I blushed and walked faster only making him laugh more.
"We're not a thing if that's what youre thinking. I mean I kissed him but..."
"You kissed him!?" Rick enthused rushin to catch up to me. I gave up on hidin it and smiled.
"Yeah. But I left right after pretty quickly and don't know how he felt about it. He kissed back so that's a good sign right?" I
scratched my neck blushin as we walked up the steps of the house.
"I'd say its a pretty good sign. You actually want me to give you guys some alone time today?" He asked holdin the door open for me.
"If you want. I'd like to talk to him and figure out how he felt about it before jumpin to conclusions. Ya know?" I explained as Glenn stepped into the room.
"Dude where were you last night? You weren't passed out in the living room like you usually are. " Glenn waggled his eyebrows at me.
"You know damn well where I was. You're the one who pointed out he was out there." I glared at him while he burst out laughin.
"You stayed the night? I bet that was fun." He laughed steppin past Rick and I to enter the kitchen.
"Why does Glenn know about this before me?" Rick pouted playfully. I grabbed somethin off the closest counter and got ready to throw it at Rick.
"Dixon. Now I know you ain't throwin shit in this house." We both turned to see Carol leanin against the doorframe glaring at us.
"Busted!" Glenn shouted from the other room.
"Shut the hell up glenn!" Rick yelled back. I rolled my eyes at their immaturity.
"Course not Carol." I smiled at her innnocently.
"Right. Get on your run boys before you lose the light. We need supplies." She bossed takin the object out of my hand.
"Right. Run. Shit. Jesus is probably waiting us out there. Go get ready Daryl." Rick pushed me up the stairs. I saluted him jokingly and laughed.

"Yes sir." I joked as I was pushed in my room. 

~~~~time skip~~~~

The car ride was silent. Jesus sat in the middle of Rick and I the whole time. I slid my hand over to rest lightly on his knee.  I glanced over to see him blushin and smilin a little bit.  We drove on like that. I could see the playful smile playing on ricks lips as the car pulled to a stop.
"There's a fallen tree on the road ahead.  I'll go up and move it real quick. Be right right back." Rick left the car and slammed the door shut.
"Jesus... About back at your house..." I started. He held up his hand to tell me to stop.
"Don't worry I understand if you don't feel that way about me. It was a heat of the moment thing." I grabbed his chin and kissed him with a more passion than I had the first time. His lips soon moved in sync with mine as I deepened the kiss. A quiet moan escaped his lips as I pushed him down onto the seat. I pulled away and looked at him with a smile on my face. I brushed a strand of hair out of his face.
"That is the complete opposite of what I was goin to say." I whispered watching him carefully. He smiled at me so I slipped my hand into his and squeezed gently.
"You're not just screwing with me are you?" He asked raising his eyebrow jokingly.  I rolled my eyes and pecked his lips quickly then opened my mouth to answer him.
"He better not be. I'll kick his ass." We both looked up and saw Rick standin with the door wide open with his arms crossed. We both swore and quickly got up blushing bright red. He laughed and got in the car to continue on our trip. The silence of the car seemed thicker than before we stopped for the tree. I slid my hand back into jesus' and squeezed it gently so he knew I meant every word of what I said. His grip on my hand tightened a little bit makin me smile. He was mine. Only mine. Nothing was taking him away.
"So where are we stoppin first?" I asked Rick. The car swerved to the right a little bit and quickly corrected itself.
"Sorry, pothole. But there's a pharmacy a ways down the road. From what I heard it hasn't been touched but it's over run.  That's why we got the guns in the back." Rick explained keepin his eyes on the road and carefully avoiding large potholes.
"Will it be tough to get into do you think?" Jesus questioned quietly.
"If it's overrun then yes it will be hard. We just have to be careful." I answered rubbing small circles into his hand to calm him. I leaned close to him and whispered in his ear. "But don't worry nothin will harm you. I won't let anything hurt you." I pulled away and smiled at him. The corners of his lips pulled up into a small smile that I ran my thumb across.
"Feelin like a bit of a third wheel guys." Rick joked with us. I laughed while Jesus just blushed and looked down almost in embarrassment. I pulled him into my arms and held him there. Rick wouldn't care, I trust him with my life.
"Eh you'll live Rick. Now Ya know how the rest of us felt with you and Michone." I looked over at Rick with a playful smile playing on my lips. He shook his head and pulled the car into an old parking lot.
"Got me there Dixon." He laughed as he put the car in park. We all got out and I made my way over to the storefront. My eyes scanned the area carefully to seek out any threats.  I came up to the storefront window and knocked on it gently to attract any walkers inside the store. A few slammed against the glass and growled anxiously.
"Same as at the clothing store yesterday?" Jesus asked coming up behind me.
"Pretty much. Only this time we got Rick to help us so it'll be a little easier."
"Sounds good. I'll get the door. You and Rick take the walkers out." He brushed past me to get to the door. I smiled a little bit. That amazing man was mine. I was the luckiest man in this hell of a world.

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