The flying unza moma

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The flying Unza moma-part one     

Legend has it that there was once a couple on campus that was hopelessly in love. Their favourite spot was the goma lakes,they loved each other so much that when the guy suddenly fell ill and died,his moma(girlfriend) out of grief drowned herself in the Goma lakes and ever since then her body wasn't found .      
     It is believed to have happened 40 years ago and ever since that incident,stories of weird happenings at the goma lakes have been reported by unza blue(guards). some monks(male students) have been reported missing while others have gone mad...Every after ten years on a full moon the 'flying moma(female student)' creeps out of the lake carefully planning on attacking her next victim!!!!. .................**************.....................          
          Billy and Josh were very excited to have made it to the university of Zambia. It was a dream come true for the boys,all those sleepless nights finally paid off!!The boys grew up together and regarded each other as brothers .         

       Billy's parents died in a mysterious plane crush when he was just four(4)years old,josh's parents took him in and treated him like their own.Before leaving on a business trip Billy's parents left him a locket assuring him that, they would be back. But unfortunately didn't return. Of the two,Josh was the ladies man and billy was the nerd.'I can't wait to get my first BC money,all those clothes I will buy!!' josh excitedly told billy.However billy could only think of books,books and more books he would buy.      

    The boys parents were so proud of them they couldn't hold back their tears,they were the first in the family to ever go to university.They finally reached campus and were astounded!!! Wow finally here they told each other.The first two weeks were hectic!!!! they moved from one office to the other with brown big envelopes carrying out registration...the most frustrating experience came during BC screening, very long unending Que's were the order of the day.  
    Finally they were done!!!The first 3 weeks they ate abundantly, takeaways only until they went broke.they started eating one meal a day and at times nothing ,all due to poor budgetting.' I can't live like this,let's sell our laptops we will get new ones wen BC is out'josh convinced Billy.. ...

    Fresher's bash Bc Money was in ,it was a friday and the freshers bash was on!!!!!Josh bought his fancy designer clothes and looked sharp!! Billy was low key excited.They arrived at the sports hall and it was packed!!!! Immediately Josh went on a moma(female student) hunt and Billy as usual isolated himself in a corner drinking on a castle lite.           
    Amidst the crowed he noticed a very peculiar female figure that was also isolated,and so he approached!!'Hi I'm billy' he introduced himself extending out his hand'I'm Mandy' she shyly answered looking down.    

   One odd thing about this girl was that she had no shoes on and her dressing was that which resembled the late 70's but Billy didn't mind.They talked the entire night and danced too.Seductively the mysterious moma(female student)whispered 'let's go to a much quiet place its too noisy here''Where do you have in mind? 'He asked.' I don't know.....perhaps the goma lakes ?' She responded with a smile  with.     

    Off they went !!!It was a cold,foggy night and the moon was full!! And looked bloody red.The couple quietly walked past the school of educations route that directly led to goma lakes.As cold as it was the mysterious moma(female student) was in a short sleeve top but seemed not botherd by it.     

    Despite Billy wearing a jumper he had shivers.'Let me take a leak ,you can continue slowly walking i will catch up' Billy told Mandy(the girl's name) as he stopped near a tree.After finishing ,he got surprised Mandy was no where to be seen!!!         Suddenly his body hairs moved ... he couldn't believe what he saw!!!

Authors note: Thanks for reading guys, please give feedback and don't be a silent reader.

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