1. Chocolates And Confessions

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[ Request : Clarke is a baking train wreck, but with Bellamy's assistance she improves and feelings come out. ]


Clarke sighed as she dropped the saucepan in the sink. The smell of burnt chocolate permeated the air. She hated cooking and baking. She was terrible when it came to working magic in the kitchen; put her in the lab and she could work magic with chemicals and reagents, but the kitchen? That was a whole other story. She wanted just to surprise Bellamy. To prove that she could do more than ace chemistry classes and lead her extra-curricular groups when needed. Really, she just wanted to impress him. To win one of those rare, Bellamy smiles, smiles that he reserved for Octavia, and anyone, goodness knows they are few and far between, that he cared about. She knew that Bellamy didn't often have people doing things for him, and he had mentioned how much he liked no-bake cookies the last time they hung out. They'd been having a debate about pre-made cookies versus cookies from scratch. Clarke, being the kitchen nightmare she was, was all for pre-made cookies, but Bellay was all about making things from scratch. Since that night when Bellamy told Clarke how he loved no-bake cookies and that there was no way any packaged cookie could ever top them, Clarke had been toying with the idea of making them for him.

"How hard can it possibly be to make no bake cookies?" Clarke asked herself in disgust.

Clarke looked at the clock and groaned in frustration. Bellamy was supposed to be there in five minutes, and after six botched attempts, all Clarke had to show for her struggles was an apartment that smelled like burnt chocolate, and a filthy kitchen.

"Well," Clarke said, "I guess I'll start cleaning up."

Clarke grabbed a dishcloth from the sink and started scrubbing the stovetop and the countertops. She had just started working on the dishes in the sink when she heard her front door opening. Frantically, she observed the kitchen trying to see if there was anything she'd missed, anything that could giveaway her failed attempts. Seeing nothing, she dropped the dishrag in the sink, dried her hands on the towel hanging on the refrigerator door, and made her way into the living room. Clarke couldn't help but smile when she heard Bellamy walking in her direction. They may have had a rocky start, but she couldn't help but smile when he was around now. Time and time again he had proved that he was trustworthy, that he was a man she could count on. Bellamy rounded the corner, smirking and sniffing the air with a puzzled expression. When he looked directly at Clarke's face, he broke out into one of those rare smiles, but instead of greeting Clarke, he started chucking, which turned into all out laughing. Clarke was confused; she couldn't understand why Bellamy was laughing at her.

"Oh, Clarke," Bellamy managed between laughs, "wh-what were you-you doing before I got here?"

"Uh," Clarke sputtered.

She reached up to touch her cheek, and as her fingers grazed her skin, she could feel what the problem was. There was chocolate on her face. How on earth had she gotten chocolate on her face?! Clarke turned around and started walking back to the kitchen.

"Well," Clarke started, "I wanted to surprise you. To have a snack ready for when you got here, and it went slightly . . . awry."

"I'll say," Bellamy chuckled. "What exactly were you trying to make?"

Clarke reached the kitchen and grabbed a paper towel from the roll off the counter, wetting it in the sink. Clarke scrubbed her face and turned to face Bellamy.

"I was trying to make no-bake cookies. Apparently, no-bake cookies aren't the simplest things to make," Clarke grumbled.
Bellamy stared at Clarke for a moment with a surprised expression on his face.

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