Out of the woods, and into the picture (with me)

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Prompt: Summer camp .


"Don't you think you're taking this a little too seriously?"

"Raven, there is no such thing as too seriously when it comes to Camp Winnipesaukee's end-of-the-year Field Day."

"Clarke, honestly. Will you just admit this is because you have the hots for Bellamy?"

Clarke Griffin whirled around, her blonde hair flying around her face, pointing a finger at her best friend. "Don't even mention him! He's so smug and he's going to get that stupid grin wiped off his stupid face if it's the last thing I do."

Clarke and Raven have been camp counselors at Camp Winnipesaukee for the last eight years, since they both turned eighteen. Clarke, being perpetually on the run from real life, and Raven, her best friend from their hometown, got along like a house on fire, and leapt at the chance to get away every summer.

Raven was great with kids, and Clarke was too, although her approach was a little more unorthodox. Either way, they were highly sought after by parents, and when a new counselor came along two months ago, Clarke took it as a personal insult.

Clarke practically flew into the camp office, startling Wells Jaha, the camp coordinator. "Wells!"

"Clarke, don't do that! You scared me."

"I'm sorry, but this is important."

"Can it wait? We have to get to the mess hall for lunch."

"It can't wait. When were you going to tell me that you hired a new counselor?"

Wells didn't quite roll his eyes, but Clarke heard him sigh. "Clarke, you didn't think that you, Raven, and Monty would be the only counselors here forever, did you?"

"No, but—"

"Bellamy is nice, Clarke, and he comes highly recommended. We registered more campers this year than the last three years combined, and we were running ourselves ragged trying to get everyone sorted. It'll be a lot easier with some help, trust me."

"I trust you, Wells, but he's so... he's so..."

"Ruggedly handsome?" A voice came from the doorway, and Clarke whirled around to see Bellamy Blake himself propped up against the doorjamb like he belonged there, smirking at her. "That's nice of you to say, Griffin."

"I see you two have met," Wells said, looking warily between the two of them.

"Yes, Clarke and I had the pleasure of being introduced earlier, and by pleasure I mean that she nearly ran me over with her car."

"You came out of nowhere! Who rides a bike at five in the morning anyway?!"

"A person who values their personal fitness, princess."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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