The hat man

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So have you heard of the hat man, or hooded figure, they are the shadow people. I was 12 when this happed, here is the thing people say this is your eyes playing tricks on you but this thing i rememberd this if it was like a memory and I was sleeping pretty normal but I felt something watching me, so I woke up and look to my left my bed is to the north and this thing was in front of my closest staring at me, it had red glowing eyes no face (it was blurred) and had a coat and a hat like what detectives wear. I felt weird I felt safe I was also unsure and we just stared at each other and I don't know what happened next it was like blurred and the rest of what happed is pitch black. I seached and found out what was the thing I saw I just seached shadow people and I found out what the hat man is, I was scared this shadow man was in my room I should have been scared he was not a ghost I only told my dad if he heard about the shadow man, i didn't tell my mom not even my friends because I felt it should be told to no one. And my heart speeds up when ever I talk about this and the worse part when I told my dad before I told him what have happened, if I ever told him I seen a big tall guy with red glowing eyes and coat and a hat . . .
He told me when I was little I would always tell him, there is a shadow like guy in my room that fit the same description of what I saw and I realized why I was always scared of my closest and why I close it it was because of the hat man. He would watch me at random times in the corner of my room and I didn't like the dark I wasn't scared I just couldn't sleep in the dark in general. Because of him. The hat man

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