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Soulmate Au

The grand ball was in full swing, music and laughter filled the corridors of Carmilla's large, mansion house, however she was not endeared to go down and join them. Even for her own birthday celebration. She simply say in her darkened room, staring intently at her wrist, illuminated in the moonlight and then flitting her eyes to the clock every now and then. This moment, she thought, was the going to be the most important in her entire immortal life and she was not going to miss its appearance for a social gathering she would most likely have every year, forever.

Since the young girl had turned 14, her soulmate mark, the first words of your destined love one, was always at the forefront of her mind. She had dreamed every night about the mysterious person who she was going to spend her life with and could not wait to meet them. And then when she was 15, and lured away at her first ball to be turned into a member of the undead, she met Ell. She thought she might be the one, Hell she knew Ell was the one. And now she sits at 16, in the dark, staring at her blank wrist, with the notepad containing Ells first words to her.
"Is this your first time waltzing too?"

She stared at the clock so intently that it may have caught on fire if she wasn't momentarily distracted by the burning in her wrist. Her heart lept into her chest, her hands went clammy and she dryly swallowed. This must be it, the burning continued and her wrist was soon engulfed in a haze of smoke, she could still feel her skin stinging as if someone was running a pen made of flames down her arms. Soon the smoke faded and she squinted down at her wrist, trying to make out the printed letters with her hands wildly shaking.

"Who the hell are you?!"

Her heart dropped like a dead weight, she checked the words over and over but they stayed the same. A sob rose in her throat but her initial fear and sadness soon turned to anger. She clawed at the mark on we wrist till it bled, what was a stupid sentence going to do to change the fact that she deeply loved Ell, and that she would not leave her for anything.

She barged through the masses of people, dancing, drinking and generally chatting, with tears still burning her eyes, searching for one person only. Ell had to be there by now but she was nowhere in sight. She carried on herding people out of the way until she was outside and another choked sob escaped her throat.

"Ell." She cried out into the darkness, her response was to be pulled behind the house, hand over her mouth, and greeted with a pair of glinting eyes.


The creature held Ell with her bony hands by the shoulders. Her Ell who was sniffling, maybe in pain, or fright, she lurched forwards to comfort her but Ell pushed her away.

"How could you not tell me." Ell whispered not completely looking her in the eye.

"I didn't want to scare you, but more importantly I really didn't want to lose y-" she was cut off by Ell shaking her head.

"I can't." The blonde girl muttered, her eyes meeting Carmilla's finally with a look of utter disgust.

"But Ell I lo-" she began to plead.

"You're a monster!" Ell screamed back.

Tears fell freely and Carmilla broke down on the floor, hands grasping at the cold concrete to try and process what had just happened.

"Do you want me to take you home now dear." Her mother spoke with false kindness to Ell and began ushering her away from the now broken Carmilla.

"No more of this silly business from you, stay away from this girl." Her mother hissed and mockingly kissed her forehead. As she saw her Mother and Ell disappear into the carriage she screamed out, for she knew, that was the last time she would see Ell.


The smell of freshly blown candles filled the air, balloons bobbed around the room, and cards reading "happy 16th birthday Laura!" Littered the shelves.

The girl in question sat grinning in her chair, sleeve rolled up bearing a blank wrist. Her father, and only remaining parent stood behind her, just as eager as his daughter to see what her mark would read, as he remembered getting his all too well.

"When will it come dad? Holy hell in hogwarts I'm so nervous!" She gushed. The older Hollis ruffled his daughters hair.

"It will come at the time of your birth, which is in 10 little Laur." He said reassuringly to his daughter who simply squealed and grasped her Dads hand tightly.

Mr Hollis smiled over the top of a slight grimace. He couldn't bear if it her soulmate left her in the way his did, it broke both of them and he couldn't bear watching Laura suffer that again. His soulmate mark was a faded grey and underneath the original first words read. "Look after yourself and Laura my love." It's still choked him to read it and he didn't want to peppy girl in front of him to get too excited. But he couldn't really dull her enthusiasm on her birthday right?

"30 seconds!" Laura squeaked staring at her wrist when it started to burn. She winced a little at the pain and her arm was no longer visible for the cloud of grey smoke surrounding it. When the smoke cleared she quickly pulled her arm close to inspect the writing.


"Hey."!? What in frilly hell was that supposed to mean!? Everyone says hey!

Her dad laughs behind her "you've got a tough one there kiddo."



A new university, a new start, carmilla assured herself walking up to her new dorm room. The old roommate was taken care of by her mother, all she had to do was seduce this one and lure her for her mother to have her way to avoid getting buried alive for a few more centuries. How hard could that be right?

Apparently harder than she expected.

"Hey." She said nonchalantly

"Who the hell are you?"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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