Story Ideas

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If you haven't guessed it, this 'book' is full of story ideas I want to share with you. I can never find my time to actually write them and I would love if YOU could.

When a story has 'UFA' next to the title it means it's up for adoption.

When you adopt the story, you can write it; though, I will ask for a dedication and/or shout-out in the description.

To adopt it, you can simply comment on that 'chapter' saying so.

You can also vote, and I would consider writing it. So all your votes will factor in my next 'work'

- Lara.

The entire book, including (but not limited to): Prologues, characters, epilogues, and chapters are copyright protected. All rights are reserved by the author and any unauthorised copying/stealing/editing/manipulation/etc. of my work will be punished by law under infringement of copyright.

Story IdeasWhere stories live. Discover now