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(it was requested i change Jangs name to Tao so please don't get confused, a clip above of Tao)

"Are you serious Lora?" Everly shook me from the side of the bed, "Get up!"

"I'm up." I groaned.

"Good because we have pancakes hoe." She grabbed my hand and walked quickly to the cafeteria.

"Calm down." I wiped my eyes.

"No. Pancakes are my shit and I can not miss out on that butter square on top of them."

I laughed, "Wow."

Bonnie appeared behind me.

"Hey Bon." I smiled.

"Hey Lora." She sighed something was wrong but I would ask later and not bring it up now.

I smiled at the woman serving the food and grabbed my plate, a milk and syrup.

It actually looked good.

Everyone made it seem disgusting.

We all sat down at our usual table to be met later on with Siera, Aurora, and Ella.

"Guys we are gonna postpone the break out for two weeks." Bonnie spoke up opening her milk carton.

Ella gasped, "Why?"

"We just need to settle all this and know what we are doing before we actually do something. What if something goes wrong and we get in jail or back in here? You have to think things out." She sighed once again.

Something was seriously wrong with Bonnie. She is usually upbeat with everything.

"You okay?" I nudged Bonnie.

"Later." She whispered.

I nodded in response.

I continue to eat my pancakes and it was silent the rest of breakfast.


"Come on." Diego pulled at my wrist.

"No. I don't play basketball." I tried to retrieve my hand but it wasn't working because he was way stronger than me.

"Just try please."

I sighed giving in. "Fine."

He smiled and dragged me to the court and I saw Everly with Tao.

She waved to me shyly.

I smiled seeing her finally step up to talking to Tao.

"alright get on teams, Lora come here your on mine."

I smiled and slowly walked to where he was standing.

We all started playing Diego passed it to me and I shot a point for our team.

I dozed off thinking about Bonnie's situation.

"Heads up Lora!"

I turned around and the basketball smacked me right in the head at full force.

I fell.

"Elora!" I could make out the voices.

"Someone go get the guard she's passing out!" Diego yelled.

"Lora stay awake." Kass said from my side.

I blinked and my eyelids felt like a million pounds and the darkness consumed me.

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