Chapter 1!introductions!

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Shawn's pov

so we are all at band practice Drop dead dreaming (i'd like to point out that DDD is actually Kyras @Alwaysbrokeninside band and i am using this name cuz i asked her i am not actually in her band)

"Hey Kyra where's Alexandria she's never late from practice!" I said

"I'm not sure to be honest"she mummbled

"What's wrong Kiki your normally a happy kitten" i said hugging her 

she just pushed me off and ran out of the door as Alex walked in 

"What's wrong with Kitten?..." she said shocked 

"I don't know she just left"I mumbled

Kiki bolted back in smiling and jumping around with some figures behind her 

"GUESS WHO'S HERE!!!"She squealed 

"The rest of the band?..." i guessed 

"NO! dumbass its Falling in reverse!"she jumped around 

"Oh yh i forgot your dating Jacky" i said surprised 

If i'm honest i have a little bit of a crush on Ryan... he's just so cute!

i turned around and sat by my drum kit 

"Oh you play drums?" I heard Ryan say from behind me 

"Yes i do" i said turning around to see him extremly close to me

i blushed slightly at how close he was 

"Aww i made the cute guy blush!" he said moving a little closer 

I just sat there blushing wanting to kiss him 

"Either you like my lips or you want to kiss me" he whispered 

"i uh umm " i stuttered  

"well then looks like we will have to play a game at tonights party n hope we get eachother" he said winking then turning around and walking off

A party... hmmm

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