Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Jemmy Nevaeh Candi Andleborough

Chapter One

“Nevaeh Ellison!” screamed Mr Ellison at his daughter. She was staring straight out the window, playing with her shoulder length dark brown hair. She blinked thick brown lashes and looked up at her dad’s red face.

“Yes, daddy?” said Nevaeh innocently, fluttering her lashes, to no avail.

“You spent twenty thousand dollars yesterday?”

“Yes, daddy,” Nevaeh said twirling a lock of hair around her long manicured finger, “I really needed to buy some more clothes. Then I happened to notice the platinum covered violin case that I really wanted.”

“You don’t even play the violin!”

“Well, no,” admitted Nevaeh, “But now I have a perfect reason to learn.”

“Nevaeh,” sighed her father, “Just go upstairs. I don’t know how much more of your behaviour I can take.”

Nevaeh looked up at her father through six coats of mascara, “I’m so sorry I disappointed you, daddy,”

Her father waved a hand imperiously to dismiss her and Nevaeh rolled her eyes and headed upstairs into her bedroom. It was huge; and painted a rich, deep ruby red. Artistic lights highlighted the colour scheme, a tasteful crystal chandelier threw silvery lights at the walls. Nevaeh’s violet Elizabeth Taylor-esque eyes skimmed straight to the huge plush king-size bed under the window. She flopped down on the sheets and opened her laptop quickly, scanninh her facebook page. 18 Friend Requests, 13 unread messages, 54 notifications…UGH!

“HEAVEN!” bellowed Nevaeh, getting no response.

“Ugh, that girl’s got it coming to her!” Nevaeh grumbled, stomping out of her room, her six-inch Jemmy Choo heels at a serious risk of breaking due to the force with which she slammed down her feet. She barged open the pale yellow door along the corridor.

“Nevaeh!” said Heaven, her identical twin. Heaven blinked at Nevaeh with her identical violet eyes, anxiously running her hand through the same shoulder length brown cut, tied up in a goody-two-shoes ponytail.

“What the heck do you think you’re doing, Heaven?” said Nevaeh, making a Facebook page for ‘Save the whales’?”

“Well,” said Heaven, hitching her ponytail higher, “Whales are on the verge of becoming extinct, which could cause irrevocable damage to the world’s eco-system-”

“I don’t care about no goddamn eco-system!” Nevaeh screamed, “I care about my reputation! You sound so gay.”

“Oh, so its gay to actually care about the world we live in?” said Heaven calmly, though her voice was steely, “For one, gay is neither an insult nor an adjective. Gay is a sexual orientation, and you are being very rude and homophobic by applying it to this context. Two, if the whales were to become extinct it would mean declining rates of-”

“Oh spare me!” Nevaeh said disgustedly, “I don’t care. Delete that page or I’ll murder your social life.”

“I won’t!” said Heaven determinedly, “You’ve no right to  make me do that. I’ll do what I please.”

“I’m the older sister.” Said Neaveh.

“By fifteen minutes!” shot back Heaven, “And at least my name is an actual name instead of a trash name.”

“Please!” Nevaeh said, “I could have a field day showing you what type of girls the name Heaven applies,”

“Your name is mine backwards,” pointed out Heaven, “Techinically it means hell.”

“Least I’m hot and your not,” laughed Nevaeh.

“Cheap joke, Nev,” said Heaven patronisingly.

“Don’t talk to me like that, Heaven!” said Nevaeh, slapping Heaven across the face.

“Bitch!” said Heaven disbelievingly.

“Meh,” shrugged Nevaeh, “Just delete that Facebook page or there’s more where that came from.”

“Fine!” muttered Heaven as Nevaeh strode out the room.


Neaveh lay back, bored to tears with tiredness. She massaged her temples to soothe the headache and blurriness from the vodka she’d had yesterday. She blinked a couple of times when her laptop screen brightened. 1 New Notification, bleeped her Facebook page. A picture appeared on her timeline, of a girl with tight jeans, a crop top and clutching a cigarette. Tag your school bad girl! It read in lurid green letters.

‘Neaveh Ellison’ Natalie Wilson had said. Liar! Thought Nevaeh I’m not the one who bunked off on the mid-terms exam days!

‘Definitely Nevaeh’ agreed a girl called Joel Quinn, who’d been suspended twice last semester.

‘Nevaeh Ellison all the way’ a boy in her English class had said. Most of the comments followed the same vein. One comment, however, caught her eye.

‘Nevaeh Ellison is mean, horrible and inconsiderate. Friend me if you think she doesn’t care about anyone or anything but herself’ The name beside the comment pierced Nevaeh’s heart with one glance. Heaven Ellison. Nevaeh slammed her laptop shut. Fine, then. If that was how Heaven wanted to play, Nevaeh could do that. Little Miss Goody Two Shoes Heaven wouldn’t know what hit her.


Nevaeh strutted through the school gates. A short denim miniskirt emphasised her long slim, toned legs. A red halter top with a dipped back showed everyone her glowing golden skin from the Californian sun. Dark DKNY sunglasses covered her perfectly made-up eyes but didn’t draw attention away from her blood red lips, in a moody pout. Her dark brown shoulder-length cut glowed with health, practically sparkling under the summer sun.

Silence ensued. A small smile captured Nevaeh’s red lips as she walked past a guy loitering outside school with his gang. She picked up the lit cigarette dangling from his open mouth and inhaled deeply, delicately breathing smoke into the air before walking through the corridors, two girls joining her from either side, a veritable Gretchen and Karen. Everyone breathed in a worried sigh. The real Nevaeh Ellison had resurfaced from the unspoken ‘incident’ last year. This meant trouble. A hell of a lot of it.

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