Chapter 1

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All rights to the characters are Stephenie Meyers....

This is my first try at a fan fiction sorry it’s a little slow in the first chapter or two but it will pick up I promise :) hope you all enjoy please comment and vote...




Chapter 1

Bella's POV

It’s been 5 years since Edward and I were married and everything is perfect. But how long would that last? Renesmee is 4 years old now but she looks like she's 15. She's growing up so fast.

"Mom I’m hungry." Renesmee said

"I'll make you some breakfast my dear" Edward said and whisked off into the kitchen to make our daughter something to eat. The smell of eggs and bacon came pouring out of the kitchen. A smell I used to love but now it smelt repulsive. But since Renesmee was half human she needed to eat human food. Edward came back into the dining room and sat a large plate of food in front of Renesmee.

"Thank-you Daddy." Renesmee gave Edward a smile and started to eat her breakfast

"Your welcome." Edward returned the smile.

Edward was quick to come to my side. As he took in the look on my face he was concerned.

"Everything ok my love?" He said with worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine; I just have a bad feeling that something’s going to happen. I don’t know what it is but it feels wrong."

"Everything’s going to be fine don’t worry." He said and gently kissed my forehead

Carlisle walked into the room followed by Esme, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie and Jacob.

Carlisle obviously wanted to talk to the whole family so we looked straight at him as he said "Kids you’re going to be starting school next week." everyone looked at him in shock except Esme, Edward and Alice. Of course they would know and not let the rest of us in on this little secret.

"But how can we go back to school? It hasn't been long enough the same teachers are there everyone will question what we’re doing back so soon." I asked what was he thinking we can't go back to Forks high school I still know people there as do the rest of my family.

"You wouldn't be going back to Forks High. You will be attending Pine Crest High. It’s about 2 hours away at human speed so it should only take you about an hour to get there. Edward and Bella you will be staring out as sophomores. Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper you will be juniors. Alice, Jacob and Renesmee you will be freshman."

"WAIT" did I just hear him right did he say Renesmee was going to school.

"Renesmee's not ready to go to school yet." I said Edward looked at me trying to figure out why I was so upset about our daughter starting school. "She's too young. She's only 4 years old. She can’t. I won’t allow it."

"Momma I want to go to school." Renesmee looked at me begging with her eyes for me to cave and let her attended with the rest of us.

"Bells she will be fine. I mean look at how much she’s grown in the past 4 years. She can do this." Jacob was trying to convince me but I just shot him a look as in saying shut-the-hell-up-Jake.

Edward turned to me "Bella my love she will be fine she can do this and if anything happens we'll be there with her. Nothing can go wrong don’t worry." I sighed and dropped my head in defeat how can I argue with that. He's right at least we will be there with her.


As I caved Carlisle went on telling us about what classes we have together. I immediately looked up at Edward I couldn't bare going back to school if we weren't in every class together. Edward just whispered in my ear low enough so that only I could hear him. "Don't worry we have every class together and even a couple classes with Emmett and Jasper." I sighed in relief

"Now Edward and Bella" Carlisle looked at us "You will have to pretend to be Renesmee's brother and sister. Esme and I will act as her parents just for school pretenses." Edward and I nod. Carlisle and Esme are wonderful parents they can pull this off no problem.

"Jacob." Jake looked at Carlisle

"Yea Doc?"

"Since you’re not going to be leaving Renesmee's side you are going to act like a distant cousin of the family's." Jake nodded in agreement

After Carlisle was done making sure everyone knew their roles to play us all set out to different areas of the house. Edward and I were watching Renesmee and Jacob they seemed to be getting really close lately and I wasn't sure if I like that. I knew it would come someday and someday he would have to tell her about him imprinting on her. But that day was going to have to wait for a while until she was ready to hear it. "Hey" Alice came over to Edward and I interrupting my thoughts. "Hi Alice." I gave her a smile. "We have to go shopping." Renesmee looked over at Alice with a huge grin on her face. She loved to shop almost as much as Alice. "Really can we go now?" Renesmee looked at Alice almost jumping off the couch as she asked. "Sure we can." Alice replied "Bella are you coming?" I just gave her a quick look like yea-right. She laughed and took off with Renesmee and Rosalie.

Edward and I decided to head back to our cabin for some much needed alone time. As we reached out little home Edward swooped me up in his arms and ran for the bed room. "I love you." I said "I love you too." Edward said as he started kissing my neck and making his way down to my collar bone. "You’re killing me." I said and we started laughing. Soon after that we were entwined. We took it to the floor not wanting to ruin our bed that we never slept in. It was getting dark out and I decided it was time to head back to the big house the girls would be back from shopping by now and I’m sure Renesmee would want to show off her new outfits.


"Yes my love."

"I don’t want this to end but I think it’s time we got back to the house Renesmee will want to show us her new clothes."

Edward looked at me and smiled "We will pick this up later."

"I like that idea." I said with and even bigger smile on my face now. If I could blush my cheeks would be bright red. We raced to the house of course Edward let me win. As we opened the door there was Renesmee grabbing us by the arms.

"Momma, Daddy come look at what Auntie Alice got me." Renesmee was so excited she could hardly hold it in. Everyone started laughing. She put on a fashion show for us with tons of new outfits for school. After she showed us the last outfit it was time for her to go to bed. So after she was asleep Edward and I ran back to our cabin to be alone again.



The school name is made up....

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