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"Princess!" Han yelled urgently, he'd taken over steering.
"Drop out of hyperspace, now!" Octavia yelled, pushing the button, "Sharp left turn!" She shouted, even louder. The Falcon swerves left, avoiding imminent doom.
"Princess we're being followed by Imperial ships!" He yelled, everyone was shouting.
"Chewie take the guns." She said, and as he got out of the co-pilots seat, she slid in, adjusting her goggles. "Right turn ahed then back into hyperspace!" Octavia pushed down on a button, pulling back a lever. The ship zoomed right and then the stars became a blurry streak.
"What now? We're all ready at 6 parasecs, how do we cut it?"
"There's a shortcut ahed!" Octavia yelled, pulling back on a handle and almost flying out of her seat and into Han's but she held on, quickly strapping herself in. "Turn right then left then left again, quick succession, and drop out of hyperspace, and go downwards." Octavia said, almost calmly. She pushed hair hair out of her face. It was always getting in the way. They dropped out hyperspace and dipped down into a nose dive to avoid crashing.
"Do you want the good news or the bad news Princess?" Han asked, violently steering to make sure they didn't die.
"Good news." Octavia said, ignoring the princess, then quickly added, "pull up, left turn and back into hyperspace."
"Good news is we've almost made it." Han said, wildly pulling up and turning left and jumping back into hyperspace. All careful calculations were going out of the window. "Bad news, the imperials are still on our tail." He said, signalling Chewie to shoot them down if he could get a clear shot. The dropped back out of hyperspace.
"We're at 10 parsecs! See if we can make it at 12!" Octavia said, getting delighted by the prospect of making the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs. "Come on, come on, come on!" She mumbled, pushing down buttons in a seemingly random order, but it seemed to be making The Falcon fly just that bit further, faster and sleeker.
"Whatever you're doing princess keep it up, we're so close!" Han practically yelled.
"You don't need to tell me that Solo!" Octavia replied. Chewie took down one of the imperials, followed by the other, and just as they hit 12 parsecs, they made it.


"Octavia, Octavia, Octavia, I didn't think you'd be settling down so quickly!" Qu laughed as she exited the Millennium Falcon, hair a bloody mess and her eyes wild with adrenaline of finishing the run.
"Oh no, Qu, this isn't my boyfriend. In fact, I can't stand him most days. I'm the Captain of this here ship, The Millennium Falco-"
"No. No she's not. She's not the captain, I am. I'm Han Solo, the real captain of the Millennium Falcon." He glared at Octavia, who smiled sweetly back at him. "This is Chewbacca, my first mate, and Octavia, the one that gets my sorry ass out of trouble." Han introduced himself.
"The spices are in the ship. We took as much as possible." Octavia said, ushering his men into the ship to help with unload. Han looked visibly uncomfortable at his ship being invaded by Qu-Za's goons, so Octavia walked up, standing in the doorway and making sure they didn't touch anything that wasn't spice.
"So how did the galaxy's greatest assassin and thief end up with a smuggler?"
"Qu-Za you flatter me, my ship was blown sky-high. I think it might've been Jabba The Hutt, the nerve of him." Octavia said. "Have you heard any whisperings about it?"
"I have indeed, I don't think it was Jabba. I don't know who it was, but I have it on good authority that Jabba wasn't involved." Qu-Za paced back and forth, his long robes swishing in the wind.
"You're sure of this?" Octavia asked with her hands neatly behind her back, Han watching the exchange suspiciously.
"One hundred percent Octavia. One hundred percent." He said, as the last of the spice was unloaded.
"Credits will be transferred to your respective accounts. Thank you Captain Solo, Miss Nightshade." Qu said, as they re-boarded their ship. "Wait!" He yelled, just before the door closed. "How did you make it? How?" He asked.
"12 parsecs!" Octavia yelled back.
"I think that deserves celebratory drinks!" Qu-Za yelled. They disembarked the ship, walking into his palace. It was by no means the first time she'd seen the interior, but it was still completely amazing. The ceilings were high and arched, beautiful murals were painted and tiled on the walls. Han was utterly dumbfounded. It was the most stunning place he'd ever seen.
"Please, sit." Qu-Za said. "Champagne first, then cocktails!" He exclaimed. Han nodded, liking the idea. Qu-Za's servants brought in large glasses of champagne.
"A toast!" Han said.
"To the Kessel Run!" Octavia said.
"To spices!" Qu-Za added.
"To friends." Han said, they clinked their glasses together, Qu sipped his, Octavia threw hers back, and Han fake-sipped. He didn't really like champagne.
"Is anyone else feeling really, really drowsy?" Octavia slurred, the sleeping drug knocking her out straight away.
"What did you do to her?!" Han yelled, grabbing at her wrist until he was pulled back by the servants. "Octavia! Princess! Vie! Via!" He yelled as he was pulled away.
"Now my dearest, you are needed elsewhere." Qu-Za said.


Octavia woke on a cold hard surface, Jabba's prison cells. She'd seen the inside of them too many times now.
"Still holding that damn grudge. I was fourteen. Asshole." She muttered. "I was fourteen and terrified and I didn't mean to fuc-" She began to say, before she was rudely interrupted by the heavy metal door swinging open.
"Good. You're awake. Jabba wants to see you."
"Tell him to go fu-"
"Watch your language little girl."
"I am not a little girl. That's even worse than princess." She hissed, folding her arms over each other and silently biting her tongue.
"You will come with me."
"Or what?" She bit back. "You'll make me." Octavia smiled bitterly. "I've been here enough times. Your threats don't hurt me anymore slimeball." He lunged at her from the other side of her cell door.
"Perks of being on this side of the cell, you can't get to me."
"Come. With. Me. Now." He punctuated all his words violently, unlocking the door and grabbing her arm. Octavia decided to co-operate for now. Just to figure out what Jabba wants, then she'd break this asses arm, and escape. That left her wondering where Han was, was he captured by Jabba too? Or was he even alive. She didn't know that by agreeing to be part of The Falcon's crew she'd actually care about Solo. Surely Chewie would've noticed her absence, and raised some sort of alarm. The guard roughly pulled her out of the door. She began carefully observing and trying to memorise where everything in the room was. Just out of her reach, on the far side of the room, hooked on a nail were they keys. She'd be insane to think she could get that. However, she managed to snatch keys off Jabba once before, she could probably pull it off again.
"Come along!" He yelled, dragging her down a long corridor that was dimly lit and a little damp and draughty. "Come on!" He kept yelling at her as she dawdled, trying to memorise the route he was taking her. There wasn't another soul in sight. The guard pulled her up some steps, her legs still not fully functioning from the drug that she was given at. Qu-Za! That slimy, two faced, ugly, double crossing, tentacled bastard! Octavia thought. She was gonna get him. And he wasn't gonna enjoy it. She was pulled into a large room, where Jabba was at the centre.
"Octavia. People call you Nightshade. I remember when you were nothing but a slave girl. You'll die for what you did to me! Humiliation! Utter humiliation, how would a small girl know exactly how to steal from me! It's embarrassing. You'll die for this girl, mark my words." Jabba said, via the translator that stood next to him, and she was handcuffed by the guards. "But first, I'm going to humiliate you!" He said, almost laughing.
"You're gonna have to do better than words Jabba. Do your worst." Octavia said, head held up high, confident. Little did she know, all this confidence would be wiped away in less than 24 hours.

Sorry for the shorter chapter, the break just seemed more natural here. Only one more chapter until we meet some other familiar characters ;) hope you liked it, if you did, please vote and comment so I know -Antigone x

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