Chapter 2

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//IMPORTANT NOTE: if you read chapter 1 before April 7th 2016 then you need to go back and reread the end of the chapter or the whole thing, I changed it up a bit and changed some character appearances.

//just a heads up!

Almost a year. He had been in this town for almost a year and it was nice that he had a fresh start and didn't have to worry about anyone finding out about the bad dreams he had and his bipolar disorder. But it was difficult in the way that he had to completely start over and find friends to support him when he needed help, or just be there when he needed them. So far he had succeeded in that, becoming good friends with a tan girl who had hair way down to her curvaceous waist and got tangles often. Said girl was named Aradia and her were closer than he had ever been to anyone.

"No way! I couldn't even tell!!" 

"Flattering, but I'm telling you the truth."

"I never would have guessed that you had a lisp, are you kidding me? How the funky fresh do you hide it so well??" Aradia was making a big fuss, looking in his mouth as if she would find the answer and Sollux couldn't help but laugh and shove at her shoulder playfully, opening his mouth wide enough that she could see that there wasn't anything inside.

"AA, I'm telling you I did! I mean the usual head gear and just mentally punching myself in the face whenever I lisped." He joked, chuckling softly along with the girl's gorgeous laugh. Her laughter could make him smile for days and sometimes he questioned whether it was platonic or not but he didn't really bother since there was another girl who was definitely not giving him friendly vibes. That was Feferi, he couldn't help but fall head over heels for the friendly girl with her cute smile and glimmering eyes. But now he had to mentally push that away and focus on the large, lovely rust brown eyes that stared intensely into his red and blue specs.

"Alright, alright. I believe you. Now something you don't know about me.." The brunette trailed off, tapping a finger with chipping red nail polish softly against her chin. The Aries jumped a bit and her face lit up as she came up with one. "So when I was 13 I forgot that funeral was a word so i accidentally said corpse party, and i still call funerals corpse parties."

"That's so messed up, funny, but fucked up," The male snickered as the other giggled before a blonde in the distance popped into his field of vision. Leaning to the side a bit he saw her talking to /that/ douche bag. The one with auburn hair that had a obnoxiously bright violet streak towards the front. The kid dressed way too fancily and it pissed Sollux off for some unknown reason. It looked like the two were locked in a deep conversation, neither of them looking particularly happy with the topic of conversation. The male looked tall compared to the short chubby gir-woah is he crying? It was clear that the guy was tearing up and the female looked guilty but stern in what she said as she gripped the bag at her side tightly before he walked off and she headed toward him and Aradia. They shared a glance before giving a small wave over to the approaching blonde when she sat down with a heavy sigh.

"Ugh!! You'll never believe what happened."


The bus ride to school was the same as always, a boring, bumpy trip from his neighborhood over to the hell hole where he went to school. It's not like he had it hard at school, everybody to scared of his father to give him shit about the stuff he did. Of course there were a few comments here and there but he could always reside in his best friend, Feferi. He was here for her when she came here from India. She was only 4 and he was the same age, back then she still had her dark black hair and she was scared out of her mind to be in a new country. Not like she had a choice however. When they met she told him all about how her mother was practically the ruler of where she lived and that it was getting much too chaotic for her to continue living there. A princess protection agency took both her and her seven year old sister out of the country to live where they do now and Eridan had been there for her and she was there for him. Romantic feelings quickly gripped onto his heart and today had to be the day. Confession time.

Upon seeing the curly, blonde locks that flew wildly behind her at lunch time he ran up to her before she could walk out the door to the field where she ate lunch sometimes. "Feferi! Wait!" the lanky male called out, running after her. The princess turned, sparkling magenta eyes standing out brightly against her mocha colored skin as she smiled nervously at him, glancing at the ground to avoid eye contact. Ignoring the signs that something was wrong he caught up to her, breathing a bit labored. "Fef, I wanted to talk to you about our relationship an' junk."

"Oh! Reely? I, uh, sorta needed to talk to you too. You sea-"

"Great! There's an empty table over there we could sit at and talk."

"No, you don't understand.."

"I've been wanting to talk about this for while, actually-"

"Eridan!!" the short female squealed, stomping her foot a bit, her pink slip-ons make a soft tapping noise against the floor. His babbling hushed to silence. "Are you eel-ven listening to me?!" She huffed in an exasperated manner.

"I-uhm, sorry, go on." With a soft sigh and a sheepish flush he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, letting the girl talk.

"I don't think i can be fronds with you anemone more."

"I was feeling the same wa-wait what." Eridan fell silent all noise in his head and around his ears going silent and he couldn't even believe what he was hearing. "That's...not what i thought you were going to say."

"I'm sorry, it's so exhausting being your frond with your constant f-eel-ings jams and i never get to talk about how I feel any moray! I'm so drained, and I can't clown-fish around anemone moray.."

"I cannot BELIEWE you are doin' the fish pun thing right now!!" the ginger's stutter coming back as he got worked up.

"Sorry.." Quickly she turned and ran through the door and started heading toward the hill, he quickly ran after her.

"So that's it?! Your best friend for /years/ and you're just going to ditch me like this!?" Near tears he threw his arms up into the air. Getting no response he let out a shaky sigh and pushed up his glasses so he could wipe at one of his eyes before walking off.

This day just couldn't get any worse.


"Oh damn.." Sollux mumbled, staring over at Feferi in her distressed state, feeling bad he rested a hand on her back and rubbed softly, Aradia on her other side, resting the blonde's head on her chest. "FF, if you ever need anybody, I pretty much never sleep sooo," The girls laughed softly and the brunette joined in with them before the princess sniffed softly and leaned over to press a small kiss against his cheek.

"You're so sea-weet, Sollux."

This day just couldn't get any better.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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