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This chapter will be focused on Sherlock (BBC) as opposed to the original AC Doyle books, but if you would like some of those, let me know.

And now.......
You know to love BBC Sherlock when.....

1) You know Johnlock may not be strictly cannon, but the writers sure seem to ship them.

2) You thought Mycroft was Moriarty (don't lie to yourself, I know you did)

3) Benedict's hair is perfect, as are his cheekbones.

4) You have many, many Reichenbach theories, but most of them would never work

5) Your new favourite word is Bored! (with an exclamation mark) and you like to yell it often

6) If any one asks if something isn't good, your reply is always "Bit not good"

7) You've tried to deduce things about people, but you always end up with ?????

8) You take the precaution of a good coat and a short friend to make yourself look taller

9) You almost died of feels when season 3 aired

10) You still get genuinely freaked out during Moriarty's 'story' in the cab during Reichenbach


12) You love quoting the show, and your friends know all the main quotes by heart because you say them so often

13) You were really annoyed when there was no 'official' Reichenbach theory

14) You were really happy when Molly Hooper got more screen time in season 3

15) You don't know how you'll survive until season 4 airs

So, I'm back!!!! and all I can say is.....

Did you miss me?

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