Welcome, Hosts!

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This will, again, be from several POVs, just so you can get an idea on the whole Host situation. Pay attention to the POV announcements to follow along better, please!!!

Ciel's POV

     As I sat with Honey, stuffing my face with an amazing chocolate cake, three girls came and sat across from us. I remembered my training, and greeted them, introducing myself as a new host, as Kyoya had before we began. They remarked about my eyepatch, and Honey and I fed them some cake. It seemed easy enough. The girls also fangirled over Sebastian standing near Mori, saying they were the perfect pair, and shouting something like 'OTP'. Mori and Sebastian just stood and blushed, probably because they were all over each other in the limo. One girl in particular, however, was a little annoying. She kept asking me to remove my eyepatch. I didn't want to, I didn't know how Sebastian would react. Eventually, she practically begged. I looked to Sebastian, "Sebastian, could you please undo the eyepatch?" He bowed and did as he was instructed, placing the piece of fabric into his pocket and walking back over to stand near Mori.

     The one who had been asking to see under the eyepatch, came incredibly close as she studied my eye. I grew uncomfortable, but she didn't seem to notice. Her nose was practically pressed up against my own before she finally backed up. "That's cute!" She said as she smiled. I gave her a smile back as I brushed my bangs over my eye to cover up the contract. I continue to eat the cake, and fed the girls as well. 

     Eventually, after the fourth group of girls left, I realized it had only been around 2 hours. There was one last group of girls, three to be exact. They came over, and appeared to be the last group. One stood out from the rest, with short blonde hair and purple eyes. She introduced herself after her two companions. "Hello, Ciel. I am Angela." I heard Sebastian's breath hitch, and I felt a stiff hand placed upon my shoulder. So it is her. "Sebastian, I will be fine. You can go sit with Mori if you would like." The other two, like the first group, thought they were the cutest pairing every.

     As the other two were chatting about Mori and Sebastian, Angela turned to speak with me. Honey didn't pay her any attention and continued eating his sweets. "So, Ciel. What do you like most about the Host Club?" I was preparing for a different question, not something this blunt. "I have to say my favorite part of the club would be the people setting up their costumes. The customers enjoy seeing the costumes as much as we enjoy serving them." I answered the question as Honey had taught me, to give them the best, shortest answer you can. 

     Our conversation carried on with short questions, I had to feed Angela a few times, and it made me cringe inwardly. She seemed unfazed. Eventually, she left. Sebastian walked over to me. "Bocchan, I was not expecting her to be here." "Nobody was, Sebastian. We should be fine. She probably won't try anything with others around." Sebastian looked at me before going to sit near Mori. Kyoya had logged onto the attendance program and set it up so those who would like to stay with the club today had technical permission to.

Undertaker's POV

     It wasn't hard to serve these girls. They simply wanted some snacks and tea as they asked me multiple questions. I had my hair over my eyes, and I would 'accidentally' reveal my face on occasion. It was fun to watch them nearly pass out. 

     After the last morning group left, I felt the presence of another. It wasn't someone that had travelled here as part of my mistake. This one had traveled on their own. I could smell the angel.


William's POV

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