Part 1

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This is a 3-4 part one shot/story thing. It has nothing to do with my other story in Naruto, it's just something I was thinking about writing a story about, but I'm not sure. So for now, it'll stay as a short story with 3-4 parts. Enjoy!


Madara glared at the woman with sickened eyes. "It's bad enough you fell in love with him, but you also lay with him..." His eyes narrowed down at the hands that covered her stomach protectively, "and now you carry his child!"

His voice boomed through her home, absolutely furious. Never had she seen him this angry. "Madara, you wanted the Uchiha and the Senju to get along! Isn't-"

A sharp slap came across her face, sending her head sideways. "He murdered Izuna! He has nothing but ill feelings towards the Uchiha! Izuna loved you, and this is how you repay him, Yukari!?"

Tears stung her eyes as she held her cheek. She was a fool to think Madara would take this well. A complete fool. Now, she had not only put her life in danger, but also the life of her unborn child.

She fell in a heap onto the floor, the tears flowing down her face. She did not know what she was suppose ed to say.

A sigh from Madara met her ears and she stiffened as he walked next to her. "Because my brother loved you and I promised to protect you, I will make you a deal," her onyx orbs lifted up to meet his, "you have two choices. Your first choice is to leave the Uchiha clan. You will lose you name as an Uchiha and be exiled from the clan, and I will take your sharingan. But, you may live with your beloved and possibly keep your child."

"And my second choice?"

A twisted, satisfied smirk appeared on his face. "You never return to Tobirama and he does not find out about this pregnancy. You will keep you name as an Uchiha, your eyes, and you may stay here and on the council. You may also keep your child and I will bring them no harm, treating them as my own, as long as," she cringed. Of course another requirement, "as long as the child resembles an Uchiha. If he contains one strand of that mans silver hair and red eyes, there will be consequences."

She trembled. What was she going to do? Could she...could she really leaveTobirama? She loved him, but...but she loved his child more. If leaving him meant better chances for their child, she would so take it.

"Well, Yukari? I'm waiting."

She closed her eyes. "Just...just let me say goodbye to him. Please."

When she opened her eyes, Madara grudgingly agreed, anger in his features. "One night and that is all."

One night. She would have one last night with her love and she would never be able to be with him again. But, she had better chances for her child. It would also give her more time to find a way to save him or her if they looked like Tobirama. More time to plan.

Madara left her after that - a heap on the floor that could not stop crying. She placed her hands on the small, barely noticeable bump. A small smile tugged at her lips. "I'm doing this for you. To protect you. I just hope your father will understand."

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