Part 2

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That evening, Yukari snuck out of her home and out of the Uchiha compound, as she usually would. She was seen by none and cloaked in black as she made her way to the home of Tobirama and Hashirama.

"Miss, what are you doing here at this hour?" A patrolling Senju stopped her and she smiled. "I am to meet with Tobirama-san. You may follow me if you think I am lying." And the man did.

Tobirama waited in the courtyard as usual. A large grin spread across his face as he spotted her, though it disappeared as he saw the guard next to her. "You may leave. All is well."

Before they even came close to Tobirama, the guard bowed his head and left Yukari's side. She walked slowly to her lover, stopping a couple feet away from him. "How are you?"

His eyes softened and with a single step, he closed the distance between them and embraced her. "I'm better now that you are here. I was afraid you weren't coming."

"And miss a night with you? Nothing could keep me away." She cried on the inside and held on to him tighter. Never again would she be in his embrace after this night. Never would he know the child growing inside of her was his.

It seemed he sensed her depressed mood and pulled away to look at her with concern. "Is something wrong? You can tell me anything."

"No," she smiled at him and placed a light kiss on his lips, "I just missed you."


She waited until he was fast asleep before she departed. For awhile after she dressed, she sat on the bed and watched him sleep, tracing his lips and face with her fingers, memorizing every inch of his skin.

A single, silent tear fell from her face and onto his, but he did not wake. It looked as if he had shed the year himself. It made her want to cry more.

She had to leave. Forcing herself, she stood from the bed, and, as a final goodbye, placed a kiss on his forehead and then his lips. "I love you, Tobirama. Don't you ever forget that."

Without looking back - for she knew if she did she would change her mind - she exited the room and, with tears steaming down her face, she left the compound.

"Yukari?" She froze. "Is that you Yukari?"

She could not look at them. It was Hashirama. No. She couldn't stay here. But it was already too late. As was she walked away from him, he grabbed her wrist and spun her around. "Yukari, what's wrong?"

It had always been something about this man that made her breakdown in front of him and tell her every problem to him. This was no exception. Her legs buckled beneath her and she cried into his chest. He held her silently and took her to his quarters, where he prepared her some tea and wrapped her in a warm blanket.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

She stared down at her tea, swirling her finger through the warm liquid. " can't tell Tobirama. He can't're not supposed to know, but someone needs to. And...and I trust you."

She looked up at Hashirama and wiped her face. "I'm pregnant."

His face beamed. "That's wonderful news! Why don't you want him to know? He would be thrilled!"

A small, sad smile made itself present on her face. "You see, Madara does not approve of my secret relationship with Tobirama because of my previous ties to Izuna. He has...threatened me and the life of my child." He waited for her to regain her composure and continue. "I could either be exiled and risk the death of myself and my child," she took a deep breath, "or I could choose to leave Tobirama and be by Madara's side, with full protection..."

Hashirama raised an eyebrow when her voice and eyes trailed off. "Madara wants to spite Tobirama... is there anything else?"

She sighed. "The protection will ensue as long as the child holds none of Tobirama's features, like his hair, markings, and eyes. If the child does contain them, well, you can guess what will happen."

When she finished, she observed Hashirama, gauging his reaction. She herself was trying not to cry as she repeated Madara's words. When he did look to her, his eyes were full of pain. "You don't think Madara will kill you, will he?"

Would he? She had known Madara all their lives. Would he kill her and her child? With a frown, she spoke. "I honestly don't know, and that's what's so scary. He's become unpredictable, even to me. He may kill me and the child, and he might not. There's no telling what lengths he'll go to in order to cause your brother pain." Tears began falling from her eyes as she thought of Tobirama and how much this would hurt him.

In a sudden movement, Hashirama came over to her and wrapped her in his warm embrace. She did not hesitate to return it. "Madara cannot know that I have told you, and Tobirama can't know about any of this. He will become rash and stupid."

"I understand and I agree," he pulled away and took her hands in his, "It will kill me not to tell my brother, but I know we must protect this child."

She placed her hands on Hashirama's face tenderly. "Hai, we do. No matter what, we need to protect his child. Make him understand, Hashirama. Make him not pursue me."

And he agreed. "For the child's sake."

As her goodbye to Hashirama, she planted a kiss on his cheek. "I will keep in touch with you. Goodbye, Hashirama."

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