Chapter 7

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Author p.o.v

-Fine, if that's how you wanna play. Then we will to! We will get you Min Yoongi, once Jimin is gone your not gonna have anyone to care about and then you don't have any other choice then to join us when your whole family dissapears!

Good Luck for now, Jin said in a crooked and evil smile.

Yoongi just stood there stunned with a scared and chocked Jimin behind his back.
Yoongi slowly turned around only to notice that Jimin was crying small tears out of his eyes... but why?

-I-im s-so-rry Jimin stuttered while crying softly.

-It's not your fault because how can you be involved with them? What could have ever possibly done?

-That's the thing it is my... fault...

-What? How?!

-Before i became like this i was a part of their gang but sonething happened and they said that if they see me spending time with someone precious to me...

They would take that person away from me....

-They don't know about your father?

-No i told that i live with my abusive and alcoholic parents.. and aparently parents like that don't love their children so yeah..

By then Jimin was crying rivers because he didn't wanna lose Yoongi or anyone else.
But what should Yoongi do to fix this?
Should he give himself up and join BTS?

Yoongi p.o.v

What to do? I have to help both him and me, i don't want to join them. If they act nice and kind i could be friends with them but not if they threathen my brother and his family!

No scratch that.. MY family, i seriously need to stop being so selfish and scared..

Hihihi cliffhanger!! I think...
Haha but anyways i finally updated this one.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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