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High school. The most irritating idea mankind has had sense the dawn of time. I would say pointless but I guess there's some good to it. Even if it is the public education system.

Even so I couldn't see the point as I sat in my 3rd period class mimicking after the teacher Spanish words that I would never remember past this week. The view of my teacher wasn't bad though. A petite woman with long blonde curls that fell down around her shoulders. She was newer to the school than most teachers who had been there for what seems like forever. Probably like mid to late twenties. Fresh out of college considering this was her second year here and it was her first teaching job. She talked about all the traveling she's done and honestly I can't help but wonder why you would ever give up a life of travel and adventure for something as mundane as teaching.

Mrs. Thomas gave out the list of assignments for the day and I scribbled them down on my paper before I forgot what to do. Returning to her desk and allowing us to begin I started writing down the nonsense I called answers on my paper. The list wasn't that long but we only had a few minutes left in class anyways and I swear the blabbering girl next to me was never going to shut up.

Morgan. Now you want to talk about a sad story. Probably one of the most beautiful girls in the entire school. Too bad she wasn't the brightest of the bunch and she had a tendency to screw people over like no one else. She is as far as I know anyways straight, but I had my suspicions. Honestly she spent too much time talking and hanging around Maria to not be questioning her own sexuality. But Maria is too good at keeping secrets. Even from me. I could never get her to crack and tell me what's going on which just left my mind to wander.

In all honesty I was a little jealous. But if never admit that to anyone but myself. I loved Maria but I knew the feelings were never going to be mutual so I just left it the way it was and settled being her best friend. It was better than nothing after all. Right? Still I knew she could do better than this bubbly bimbo.

Hearing the bell ring I packed up my bag and went down the hall to find my locker and then my way to my next class. I don't think I was sitting there for more than 10 minutes before Maria strolled in like she owned the place looking directly at the teacher. "Good afternoon ma'am," she was always respectful to adults not so much with peers though "Jessie is being requested for early dismissal." my name rolling off her tongue as if she didn't know who that was. Typical Maria move. The teacher simply rolled his eyes and waved his hand as if to shoo us away from the rest of the class. I scooped up my back and followed Maria out of the class before he had a chance to change his mind about to questioning the Student aid. Once in the hallway though I stopped to put my books back into the bag

Looking up at Maria who had a cocky grin on her face as if to show how skilled she was at this, "Told you I could get you out of class dork."

Pushing her shoulder lightly, "You're such an ass." I said as I laughed at her arrogance walking with her to the back of the school towards the Student parking lot.

"So your belligerent girlfriend wouldn't shut the bell up again today" I said as we walked.

She rolled her eyes, "Not my girlfriend Jess. She's just a friend like I told you time and time again."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, "Yeah sure, I'll believe that when pigs fly."

She pushed my shoulder making me falter in my step a little, "I told you it ain't like that."

I chuckled a little knowing I was getting to her before mumbling "whatever" under my breath and jumping into the passenger seat of her old red SUV. This thing was definitely on its last legs but she loved it and so did I. As long as it went from point A to point B we could still adventure.

The ride to the bay wasn't long but it was one that was so familiar to us. It was our favorite spot to be together. Joking around the whole way there we parked right by the docks.

Before we were even out of the car we were already staring at each other in anticipation. Knowing the tradition that came next.

She spoke before I could, "Race ya." and before either of us had time to think to deeply on it we were jumping out and charging down the docks panting and laughing the whole way to the docks at the end. She jumped at top the picnic table declaring herself the fastest of all the lesbians in the land.

Her face dropped a bit though when I came back with "Maria I don't think being the fastest is something to brag about". Immediately getting the sarcastic perverted humor that I was so good at directing towards her.

Only now when the sun hit her just right could I see how bright her diamond blue eyes really where. I mean I've always known her eyes were gorgeous but dang. And all I had was a nice smile. My unoriginal brown eyes and brown hair made me look like any other average white girl around these parts but the fact mine was styled short the a flip to it made it different. And personally I liked it just that you way. Different.

We walked the docks not really saying anything just enjoying the view and eventually turning to make out way back to the truck.

"Hey Maria," I pause to think carefully before I said something I'd regret "I just don't want to see you hurt okay?".

She focused on her feet as she said, "What are you talking about dork? I don't get hurt."

I literally laughed at how sad that statement was, especially coming from her. But I admired her always trying to be a hard ass, even though it sometimes gets annoying. "Oh shut up, we both know that's a lie."

"Jessie I'm serious." I hated when she said my name like that.

"And so am I M, that girl is bad news and you know it. She's played everyone she's ever been with and she has so many people wrapped around her finger it's not even funny." he face looked like I had just shot her and a pang of guilt washed over me.

"I'm sorry M, I didn't mean it like that." but it was too late, she just kept walking towards the truck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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